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  • 网络front kick;Kick
  1. 例如天地摔也可以在对手前踢时使用。

    In fact tenchi-nage can be done against a front kick for example .

  2. 爸爸说我可以在晚饭前踢足球。

    Father said that I might play football before supper .

  3. 我感觉我们比两年前踢得好多了。

    I think we played much better than the game two years ago .

  4. 其他球队都踢出了他们最好的水平,阿根廷甚至超水平发挥,但是至少他们回家前踢过完美的比赛。

    Other teams will be kicking themselves , Argentina probably more than most , but at least they played some excellent football before they went home .

  5. 上赛季他过得不开心,我们失去了他和范佩西(他受伤前踢得真不错)。

    He wasn 't very happy last season and we struggled without him and Robin van Persie , who was playing really well when he got injured .

  6. 然而根据史密斯在控诉文件中所写的,卡马拉在4月份的时候将她的前男友踢出这个网站,只把她的名字作为注册商标的拥有者。

    However , in April , Camara shut her ex-boyfriend out of the project , listing herself as the sole owner in an attempt to trademark the business name , Smith claims in court papers .

  7. 我现在很高兴,就像几个月前一直在踢右后卫一样。

    I 'm very happy , just like I was a few months ago when I played as a right back .

  8. 当58岁的劳伦森30年前在利物浦踢后卫时,当时那真的是一支值得效力的球队。

    When Lawrenson , 58 , played in Liverpool 's defense 30 years ago , it really was the team to play for .

  9. 我们必须不断前进,而且要尽力和前三场比赛踢得一样好。

    We have to keep going and try to play well-the same way we have in the first three games .

  10. 在比赛结束前半分钟他踢进一球,使英国队赢得了戏剧性的胜利。

    He secured a dramatic victory for England by netting the ball half a minute before the end of the game .