
  • 网络transverse sinus;lateral sinus;sinus;transverse
  1. 免疫组化SABC法研究表第一军医大学博士学位论文&明,28周胎儿的横窦有平滑肌样细胞。

    It is identified that there are smooth muscle cells in the transverse sinus in 28 weeks fetus using the SABC immunochemistry method .

  2. 骨窗大小约2.0cm×2.5cm,上缘达横窦和窦汇下缘。

    A 2.0 cm × 2.5 cm surgical bone window was performed with its superior margin reaching to the inferior margin of the transverse sinus and confluence sinus .

  3. 横窦血液流量MR测量方法的比较研究

    Comparative study of methods for blood flow measurement within transverse sinuses by using MR

  4. 比较不同MR静脉成像术在检测原发性颅内高压横窦狭窄中的作用

    Comparison of different MR venography techniques for detecting transverse sinus stenosis in idiopathic intracranial hypertension

  5. 横窦血液流率MR测量的影响因素分析

    Blood flow measurement of transverse sinuses by using MR : a phantom study of its influence factors

  6. 目的探讨用横窦血液流量mr测量方法判断静脉引流优势的临床应用价值。

    Objective to determine venous drainage dominance by using MR measurement of the blood flow in transverse sinuses , and to assess its clinical application .

  7. 结果:横窦乙状窦膝至内耳门后缘的距离约为(35.1±0.2)mm。

    Results : The distance between knee of transverse sigmoid sinus and posterior border of internal acoustic porus was ( 35.1 ± 0.2 ) mm .

  8. 结论MR是一种有效的横窦血液流量测定方法,可以从量的角度反映引流优势。

    Conclusion MR is an effective technique for measuring the blood flow in transverse sinuses , which can reflect the venous drainage dominance from the point of " quantity " view .

  9. IIH患者在CSF压力正常后横窦持续狭窄

    Transverse sinus stenoses persist after normalization of the CSF pressure in I I H

  10. 结果经静脉入路治疗横窦-乙状窦区DAVF共16例。病变累及横窦-乙状窦交界处者11例、横窦者3例、乙状窦者2例。

    Results Sixteen patients with transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVF were treated by transvenous approach .

  11. 海绵窦区DAVF经静脉入路栓塞多可治愈。横窦区DAVF静脉入路栓塞瘘口静脉端效果好;

    DAVF in transverse sinus and cavernous sinus can be cured by transvenous approach .

  12. 方法A组结扎大血流量侧横窦,B组结扎小血流量侧,术前、术后测量横窦截面积和血流速度。

    Methods In group A , transverse sinus with high blood flow was ligated while in group B transverse sinus with low blood flow was ligated . The size of section area and velocity of blood flow were measured before and after operation .

  13. 结论对于适当选择的横窦-乙状窦区DAVF病例,经静脉入路闭塞病变静脉窦是一种安全有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion In properly selected cases , transvenous occlusion of the DAVF involved transverse-sigmoid sinus was safe and efficient .

  14. 目的评价经静脉入路栓塞治疗横窦-乙状窦区硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)的安全性和有效性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and the efficacy of transvenous embolization of transverse-sigmoid sinus dural arteriovenous fistula ( DAVF ) .

  15. 静脉对神经根有压迫的占15.4%;③岩静脉距横窦与乙状窦交角处的距离为31.1±5.2mm。

    The distance from the petrosal vein to the meeting point of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses was 31.1 ± 5.2 mm .

  16. 横窦和窦汇的浅表解剖学标志

    Anatomic Study of Superficial Marks of Transverse Sinus and Torcular Herophili

  17. 外伤性上矢状窦和横窦损伤的诊断及治疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Superior Sagital and Transverse Sinus Injuries

  18. 骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿16例治疗体会

    Treatment of 16 cases of epidural hematoma straddling the transverse sinus

  19. 病变最常累及上矢状窦和横窦。

    The superior sagittal sinus and transverse sinus were most frequently involved .

  20. 横窦损伤手术治疗21例体会

    Surgical treatment of transverse sinus injury : A report of 21 cases

  21. 横窦骑跨性硬膜外血肿的早期诊断及术式改进

    Early diagnosis and operative method improvement of epidural hematoma straddling transverse sinus

  22. 主动脉窦与心包横窦的应用解剖研究

    Applied Anatomic Study on Aortic Sinus and Sinus Pericardii

  23. 总体上,窦汇区是以右侧横窦引流优势为主要形式。

    Overall , the venous drainage dominance showed mainly to the right side .

  24. 经静脉入路栓塞治疗横窦-乙状窦区的硬脑膜动静脉瘘

    Transvenous embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula involving transverse-sigmoid sinuses

  25. 左冠窦全部与心包横窦相邻;

    All the left coronary sinus is close to the sinus transversus pericardii .

  26. 目的:探讨横窦骑跨形血肿的最佳手术治疗方法。

    Objective To study the best methods of operation for riding transverse sinuses hematoma .

  27. 脑积水病人侧脑室-横窦脑脊液分流术18例报道

    Lateral ventricle-transverse sinus shunt in 18 hydrocephalic patients

  28. 左右横窦之间吻合形式以间接相连多见。

    Indirect communications between transverse sinuses were common .

  29. 横窦分为前垂直部、中间水平部及后垂直部。

    The TS consists of anterior vertical , middle horizontal , and posterior vertical segments .

  30. 左、右横窦之间的交通多为非直接通道。

    The communications of the left and right transverse sinuse were mostly non directly commumications .