
The Hengshui Western Zhou Graveyard in Jiangxian and the Lost Peng State
A perilous journey across the mountains The Hengshui Western Zhou Graveyard in Jiangxian and the Lost Peng State
Analysis of Mineral and Chemical Compositions of Clay Core Collected in Bronze Vessels Excavated from Cemetery of Western Zhou Dynasty in Hengshui ;
Brief Talk on Heating Design of Using Waste Heat of Lateral Pipe Cooler Cooling Water
It was testified that CFD was a powerful tool to design and optimize the flow field in a cold store . Brief Talk on Heating Design of Using Waste Heat of Lateral Pipe Cooler Cooling Water
The effects of geometrical parameters and volume flow rate of air / water on bubble formation frequency are investigated experimentally , and the transition curve and flow map of the two phase flow without phase change are illustrated .
Water stop in transverse joints is shifted properly towards downstream side in order that the water pressure in the transverse joint will cause the stress intensity around the outlets to be reduced .