
ài kǒu
  • pass;notch;gap;beallach;notch,mountain,pass
隘口 [ài kǒu]
  • [notch,mountain,pass] 狭窄的山口

隘口[ài kǒu]
  1. 非利士人的一队防兵到了密抹的隘口。

    And the garrison of the Philistines went out to the pass of Michmash .

  2. 波德河隘口穿山而过。

    Powder River Pass cut through them .

  3. 怀化隘口基性超基性岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄及其地质意义

    Rb-Sr isochron dating of the BASIC-ULTRABASIC rocks from aikou , huaihua and its geologic significance

  4. 洛汗隘口离艾辛格太近了!

    The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard !

  5. 隘口,两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口。

    A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge .

  6. 这片山脉有一条羊肠小道,穿过各个隘口和原始丛林。

    Through these mountains a foot-track traverses the passes and the virgin jungle .

  7. 有一天,她发现他正在海斯托依山上,倚在一道隘口上。

    One day she discovered him leaning over a gate on High-Stoy Hill .

  8. 隘口沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝岩溶坝基稳定分析及处理研究

    Study on karst foundation stability and treatment measurements for Aikou asphalt concrete core rockfill dam

  9. 离这以北几公里,有个隘口穿过山脉。

    There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here .

  10. 赶到洛汗隘口,走西路到我的城市!

    Make for the Gap of Rohan , and take the west road to my city !

  11. 幸运的话,就能赶到洛汗隘口。

    If our luck holds , the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us .

  12. 他们过了隘口,在迦巴住宿。

    They go over the pass , and say , 'We will camp overnight at Geba . '

  13. 我们应该去洛汗隘口,我们不该来这儿的。

    We make for the Gap of Rohan . We should never have come here . Now !

  14. 同时,也为隘口水库防渗工程的实施提供了重要参数,包括:单位耗灰量及帷幕厚度和灌浆孔排数;

    Such parameters include unit cement consumption , thickness of curtain , row number of grout hole ;

  15. 我到北极猎取白熊和海豹,执着一根长杆我跳过隘口,攀附着易脆的蓝。

    I go hunting polar furs and the seal , leaping chasms with apike-pointed staff , clinging to topples of brittle and blue .

  16. 罗杰走到连结城堡岩和岛屿主体部分的隘口处的时候,受到了盘问,对此他并没有感到奇怪。

    When Roger came to the neck of land that joined the Castle Rock to the mainland he was not surprised to be challenged .

  17. 以“方城隘口”为核心的“方城道”是古代重要的交通系统,自古就是南北交通和文化交流的孔道;

    Taking " . Fangcheng Pass " as the centre ," Fangcheng Road " is the important system for transportation and cultural communication in ancient China .

  18. 秦末汉初,南越王赵佗就在仁化北端隘口筑有“古秦城”;

    Qinmo early Han Dynasty , the South Vietnamese resistance to the idea on the northern end of King Zhao Tuo Pass built the " old Qincheng ";

  19. 几天后,当我来到位于10000英尺(3048米)高处、云雾缭绕、没有路肩的狭窄的多奇拉隘口时,经幡的重要性开始显现。

    Their significance becomes clear a couple of days later when I arrive at Dochula Pass just above 10000 feet on a fog-shrouded , narrow , no-shoulder highway .

  20. 在罗根隘口东面澎湃而下之后,这条水路一直流到墨西哥湾,最终汇入大西洋。

    Long after its frothing tumble down the east side of Logan Pass , this water will stream into the Gulf of Mexico , and eventually join the Atlantic Ocean .

  21. 他们过了隘口,在迦巴住宿。拉玛人战兢。扫罗的基比亚人逃跑。

    They have gone across the mountain ; geba will be our resting-place tonight , they say : ramah is shaking with fear ; gibeah of Saul has gone in flight .

  22. 目前,对琵琶教学法的研究已经成为学科发展的重要隘口,普通高校音教专业的琵琶教学法更是处于空白状态。

    At present , the pipa teaching method research already became the bottle-neck of the discipline development . The specialized pipa teaching method in the ordinary universities is in the blank field .

  23. 通过隘口水库工程的灌浆的现场试验表明,实施固结和帷幕灌浆作业后,坝基的防渗性能得到了有效改善;

    It can be seen for in-situ grouting test of Aikou Reservoir Engineering , that antiseepage performance of dam foundation is effectively improved , and important parameters are provided for implement of antiseepage works .

  24. 当我与伊恩在接下来的镇子上碰面的时候,他告诉我,他在踢马隘口骑车那段经历简直奇妙至极。这时,我意识到自己错过了一些美好的事物。

    When I met Ian in the next town he told me what a fantastic time he had cycling the Kicking Horse Pass , and I knew that I had missed out on something great .

  25. 作为高师器乐教学的重要组成部分,高师二胡教学的研究已成为学科发展的重要隘口,高师二胡小组课教学研究也没有相关的借鉴。

    As an important part of instrument teaching , research of erhu teaching of higher pedagogical has become an important pass discipline development , research and teaching erhu group class teachers also do not have the relevant reference .
