
  1. 这样当刘海长长时,会自动长成斜刘海。

    This will automatically give the appearance of side-swept bangs when they 're growing out .

  2. 过去几年来,他留过斜刘海、飞机头、刺猬头甚至男版丸子头。

    Over the years , he has had side-swept , a quiff , spiky and even a man bun .

  3. 2010年:在参加金球奖后台的派对上,罗韩则梳着长长的斜刘海,打着桃红色的腮红,化着巧克力色的烟熏妆。

    2010 : Going golden for a Golden Globes after-party , Lohan sported extra-long fringe , peach blush and smoky chocolate liner .

  4. 切斯·克劳福(内特)也许从第一季的中分变成了斜刘海,但他性感的眼神和少年般的样貌却一模一样。

    Chace Crawford ( Nate ) may have trimmed his hair from those shaggy , sun-kissed locks we feel in love with back in Season 1 , but his sexy stare and boyish good looks remain the same .