
línɡ zhǎnɡ lèi xué
  • primatology
  1. 20世纪80年代,心理理论概念的提出,引发了众多研究者从哲学、文化人类学、发展心理学、医学以及灵长类学等不同角度展开的大量研究。

    The 1980s , with the introduction of the concept of theory of mind , many researchers carried out a large number of studies from different angles in term of philosophy , cultural anthropology , development psychology , medicine , the studied primates and so on .

  2. 所以是原版的尼采思想启发了我,同时我也受了灵长类动物学的启发,我那时候跟我妻子一起学过灵长类动物学。

    So it 's the authentically Nietzschean idea that inspired me . Also , I was inspired by primatology , which I was studying at that time along with my wife .

  3. 在上高中时,我就想研究动物学或灵长类动物学。我很痴迷于“人类与动物之间”的交流。这个话题在70年代时开始有人讨论,那时我还只是个孩子。

    Track One When I was in high school I wanted to work with Zoology or Primatology I was fascinated with ' human-animal " communication Which was starting to be talked about in the ' 70 " s when I was a child Scientists like Jane Goodall , for example ,

  4. 在非人类灵长类动物的生理学研究利用单一神经细胞量测、刺激、物学操作、织去活化及切除。

    Physiological studies in non-human primates that utilize single-cell recordings , microstimulation , pharmacological manipulation , tissue inactivation and ablation .