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  • acanthosis nigricans
  1. 恶性黑棘皮病伴发肺癌1例

    A Case of Malignant Acanthosis Nigricans Associated with Lung Cancer

  2. 黑棘皮病伴发消化道低分化腺癌1例

    A Case of Acanthosis Nigricans Associated with Alimentary Canal Adenocarcinoma

  3. 目的探讨肥胖伴黑棘皮病儿童代谢综合征(MS)的高危因素。

    Objective To explore the high risk factors of metabolic syndrome ( MS ) in obese children with acanthosis nigricans .

  4. NASH患儿中良性黑棘皮病发生率高,其严重的脂代谢紊乱及胰岛素抵抗可能是参与NASH发病的主要机制。

    BMI ≥ 30 is a high risk factor of being NASH . Severe disturbance of lipid metabolism and insulin resistance may be involved in the mechanism of NASH .

  5. 目的探讨二甲双胍联合枸橼酸氯米芬治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)胰岛素抵抗性不孕症的疗效及二甲双胍对PCOS胰岛素抵抗伴假性黑棘皮病的治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the effects of metformin and clomiphene on infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) with insulin-resistance ( IR ) and to observe the effects of metformin on PCOS with pseudoacanthosis nigricans ( AN ) and IR .

  6. 高雄激素血症-胰岛素抵抗-黑棘皮病综合征1例

    A case of hyperandrogenism , insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans syndrome

  7. 报告2例具有黑棘皮病表现的表皮痣。

    Two cases of unilateral nevoid acanthosis nigricans are reported .

  8. 一家三例良性黑棘皮病报告

    A family presenting 3 cases of benign acanthosis nigricans

  9. 肥胖儿童伴良性黑棘皮病与胰岛素抵抗19例分析

    Obese children with benign acanthosis nigricans and insulin resistance : analysis of 19 cases

  10. 目的:探讨两组诊断名称近似(黑棘皮病与角化棘皮瘤等)疾病的医学编码。

    Objective To discuss the medical coding of two diseases with approximative diagnosis name .

  11. 肥胖儿童伴黑棘皮病糖代谢特征及二甲双胍干预治疗58例

    Characteristics of glycometabolism in 58 corpulent children with acanthosis nigricans and interfering treatment with metformin

  12. 肥胖儿童良性黑棘皮病患者血中胰岛素及红细胞胰岛素受体的测定

    The Levels of Plasma Insulin and Erythrocyte Insulin Receptors in Children with Acanthosis Nigricans Associated with Obesity

  13. 黑棘皮病常见于胰岛素抵抗、糖尿病前期、2型糖尿病患者。

    A skin condition commonly seen in people with insulin resistance , pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes .

  14. 结果假性黑棘皮病组有2例诊断为2型糖尿病,21例糖耐量异常,明显高于单纯肥胖儿童组;

    Results Two of 42 obese children with benign acanthosis nigricans were diagnosed as type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  15. 发生于糖尿病患者背部硬皮病斑块处的黑棘皮病:1例报道

    Acanthosis nigricans in a plaque of scleredema on the back of a diabetic patient : A case report

  16. 结论儿童假性黑棘皮病与肥胖、高胰岛素血症、胰岛素抵抗密切相关,是发生2型糖尿病的高危人群。

    Conclusion Children with benign acanthosis nigricans are closely associated with obesity , hyperinsulinemia , insulin resistance , and are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  17. 目的:观察中、重度肥胖伴黑棘皮病病儿的糖代谢特征,二甲双胍干预治疗对糖、脂代谢的影响。

    AIM : To observe the characteristics of glycometabolism in moderate to severe corpulent children with acanthosis nigricans and the effects of metformin in interfering treatment of glycometabolism and lipometabolism .

  18. 在某些疾病中,皮疹可作为系统性疾病的首发信号,比如,恶性黑棘皮病可在胃癌发生前的数月或数年出现;皮肌炎的皮肤损害早于肌肉的病变。

    In some cases , the rashes are the first signs of an underlying disorder . Such as malignant acanthosis nigricans , which can occurring several months or years before gastric cancer , and the dermatomyositis , which the skin lesions often occurring before the muscle lesions .

  19. 目的了解胰岛素抵抗及其代偿性高胰岛素血症对排卵功能和性激素水平尤其是睾酮水平及血脂水平的影响,观察二甲双胍对多囊卵巢综合征伴假性黑棘皮病和胰岛素抵抗的作用。

    Objective To understand how resistance and whether its compensatory hyperinsulinemia will influence the ovulatory function and sex hormone level , especially in the testosterone level and blood lipid level and to observe the effects of metformin on the polycystic ovary syndrome with pseudoacanthosis nigricans and the insulin resistance .