
xuè sè
  • color;colour;redness of the skin
血色 [xuè sè]
  • [color;redness of the skin] 身体壮或精神好的肤色或是至少曾经在室外正常活动过的肤色

血色[xuè sè]
  1. 他通常红润的脸色看上去没有了血色。

    His usually florid complexion seemed drained of colour .

  2. 哈里觉得他脸上的血色在消失。

    Harry felt the colour drain from his face

  3. 他面无血色。

    He was as white as a sheet .

  4. 她如死灰般苍白的皮肤开始现出淡淡的血色。

    The deathly pallor of her skin had been replaced by the faintest flush of color

  5. 她脸上逐渐恢复了血色。

    Little by little a healthy complexion came back to her face .

  6. 她看见科林原本红润的脸渐渐失去了血色。

    She watched the colour drain from Colin 's rubicund face .

  7. 他的脸上露出一点血色,但还很虚弱。

    There was some colour back in his cheeks but he looked very sick .

  8. 只能用来开门,例如血色的教堂和军械库的门

    Can only be used to open the door , such as churches and armories Colored door .

  9. 脑补一下,你和Ian一起坐在沙发上看《权力的游戏》,在你被《血色婚礼》那一集震惊的时候,他肯能会握着你的手。

    Picture it : Ian and you chilling on the couch watching Game of Thrones . Hell probably hold your hand when you get to the shocking Red Wedding episode too .

  10. 管袢交叉、管袢畸形、粗细不均、红细胞聚集、血色积分显著高于正常组(P0.01)。

    The capillary loops cross , capillary loops misshape , different diameters of microvessels , the red blood cell aggregation and the score values of the blood color are obviously higher than health control group ( P0.01 ) .

  11. 呼啸山庄中的一个场景,Heathcliff抱住垂死的Catherine他一生的爱EmilyBronte这样写到“喜怒哀乐全部消失,唯留毫无血色的肌肤上的青紫”。

    In a scene in Wuthering Heights , where Heathcliff embraces dying Catherine the love of his life Emily Bronte writes that there were'four distinct impressions left , blue in the colorless skin ' .

  12. MattWaite:“这人发现一家肉制品包装厂污染了流入临近河流的一条小溪,他拍摄到这条血色的河流从肉制品包装厂流出,这就违反了法律。”

    MATT WAITE : " He spotted a meat packing plant that was polluting a nearby creek that ran into a nearby river . He had images of a river of blood flowing out of this meat packing plant , which was against the law . And environmental regulatory authorities were to it . "

  13. 我的赫克托出售的那些毫无血色的动物尸体&约翰·戴顿。

    The bloodless carcass of my Hector sold - John Dryden .

  14. 我看到小窗口处出现了一张没有血色的面孔。

    I saw a cadaverous face appear at a small window .

  15. 缺少血色的脸庞,对你是误用。

    Where cheeks need blood : in thee it is abus 'd.

  16. 但苔丝没有哭。她的脸干巴巴的,没有一丝血色。

    But Tess did not cry.Her face was dry and pale .

  17. 他看到这部恐怖电影时,吓得面无血色。

    He paled at the sight of the scary movie .

  18. 它能使他们的眼睛更明亮,让皮肤泛起淡淡的血色。

    It lightens their eyes and flushes their skin slightly .

  19. 青海黑白花奶牛血清亲血色蛋白的多态性

    Polymorphism of Serum Haptoglobin in Black-white Cow in Qinghai Province

  20. 化学发光成像技术分析亲血色珠蛋白的类型生物大分子的化学发光成像研究

    Application of Chemiluminescence Imaging to the Study of Haptoglobin Types

  21. 哈利觉得自己脸上顿时失去了血色。

    Harry felt the blood drain out of his face .

  22. 她凝视着他,脸上毫无血色。

    She looked at him with the color gone from her face .

  23. 她吓得面无血色。

    She was so afraid that her face was drained of blood .

  24. 他的双唇毫无血色,两排牙齿也呈现黄色。

    His lips were colorless , his teeth looked yellowish .

  25. 随着病情恶化,她脸上越来越没有血色了。

    As her illness got worse , she lost more and more colour .

  26. 我的船长没有回答,他的双唇没有血色,没有开启。

    My Captain does not answer , his lips are pale and still .

  27. 他脸上几乎没有血色。

    You have a high color on the face .

  28. 唉!我的面颊冰冷没有血色!

    My cheek is cold and white , alas !

  29. 它们都会在血色月亮下毁灭。

    They shall all perish beneath the blood moon .

  30. 我们可不想重演1972年的事(血色星期天事件)。

    We don 't want a repeat of 1972 .