
  • 网络PA-IgG;platelet autoantibodies
  1. 结论:FCM可成为血小板自身抗体检测的一项新的快速简便的方法,与ELISA等方法同时应用可进一步提高ITP患者抗血小板抗体检测的阳性率与可靠性。

    Conclusion : FCM can be used as a new , rapid and simple method in detecting platelet autoantibody . FCM , in combination with ELISA , would improve the reliability and the positive percentage of PAIgG measurement in ITP patients .

  2. 血小板自身抗体的流式细胞术检测与意义

    Measurement of platelet associated antibody by flow cytometry and it 's clinical significance

  3. 目前血小板自身抗体的测定方法较为复杂,同时需要较多的血量,因此给儿科临床应用带来一定困难。

    At present , the measurement of platelet autoantibody is diffcult to perform and a lot of blood is needed , especially diffcult in pediatric clinic .

  4. 50%~60%的ITP患者体内可检测到一种或几种针对血小板糖蛋白的自身抗体,该抗体与血小板膜表面糖蛋白结合,致敏的血小板通过Fc受体被巨噬细胞吞噬或因补体活化而破坏。

    Platelets from 50 % - 60 % of ITP patients are coated with IgG antibodies that recognize one or more platelet surface glycoproteins .

  5. 同时与改良间接MAIPA法检测标本血浆中血小板特异性自身抗体的结果比较。

    Platelet-associate autoantibodies in sample plasma were detected by modified indirect MAIPA , then compare the results with that of cytometric bead assay .

  6. 掌纤维瘤病的克隆性分析慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜自身抗体克隆性分析

    Study of the clonal characteristics of autoantibodies in chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura