
  1. 以北京为例,春季最常见的致敏花粉包括榆树、杨树、白蜡、合欢树和白桦的花粉。

    In Beijing , for example , the most common allergenic pollens in spring include those from the large-fruited elm tree , Cathay poplar , ash , acacia and white birch .

  2. 北京城区8月日花粉总数量和致敏花粉数量短期预报

    Daily Total Pollen and Allergic Pollen Forecasting in August in Beijing

  3. 南昌城区大气气传致敏花粉调查

    The Investigation on Airborne Pollen in Urban Districts of Nanchang

  4. 武昌地区空气中主要致敏花粉调查

    An Investigation into the Major Allergic Pollens in Wuchang District

  5. 天津市气传致敏花粉探讨

    A study on airborne and allergic pollen grains in Tianjin

  6. 成都南区空气中的致敏花粉调查

    Airborne allergenic pollens in the southern area of Chengdu

  7. 太原市中心地区夏秋季气传致敏花粉调查分析

    Study of airborne pollens in central region of Taiyuan City during summer and autumn

  8. 武汉市武昌地区气传致敏花粉调查研究

    A investigation on airborne and allergic pollen grains in Wuchang District , wuhan City

  9. 空气中致敏花粉的定量研究

    Quantative Study of Airborne Allergic Pollen

  10. 空气致敏花粉污染研究进展

    Advances in airborne allergenic pollen

  11. 春季花粉,特别是早春花粉,是本地区花粉相关性荨麻疹的主要致敏花粉。

    Spring pollen , especially early spring pollen , is the main allergic pollen in local region .

  12. 调查空气中花粉尤其是致敏花粉的飘散规律,是空气花粉污染的基础研究工作中的一个重要方面。

    The research on the rhythm of allergic pollen is the base of research on airborne pollen pollution .

  13. 致敏花粉量最多的季节也是呼吸道变态反应发病最高的季节。

    Results : A close correlation between airborne allergic pollen in distribution , density , change of season and respiratory allergical diseases has been found .

  14. 并找出了本地区春秋季阳性率最高的致敏花粉,为武汉城区花粉症患者的诊断和治疗提供了重要的依据。

    It revealed that the main resulting pollen in Wuhan during the spring-autumn , providing an important foundation for diagnose and treatment of pollinosis in Wuhan city .

  15. 研究结果显示,位于华北平原的北京和禹城最主要的致敏花粉是蒿属和禾本科花粉,属于夏秋型致敏花粉。

    Research results indicated that the most important allergic pollen in Beijing and Yucheng of North China Plain includes that of Artemisia and Gramineae plants , belonging to summer-autumn type of allergic pollen .

  16. 北京城区空气中花粉含量与气象要素的关系初探调查空气中花粉尤其是致敏花粉的飘散规律,是空气花粉污染的基础研究工作中的一个重要方面。

    Preliminary approach of the relationship between Airborne pollen amount and meteorological factors in Beijing urban area The research on the rhythm of allergic pollen is the base of research on airborne pollen pollution .

  17. 结论:本项研究结果初步证实气传致敏花粉是哮喘的重要原因,花粉的飘散高峰期与花粉性哮喘病人的发病季节相一致。

    Conclusion : The study revealed that airborne pollen sensitizing was the main cause of Asthma and the peak of fluttered pollen sensitizing was the main cause of Asthma and the peak of fluttered pollen was consistent with the season of asthma .

  18. 结论武汉市中心地区空气中致敏花粉以春季花粉为主,此特点与该季的气温,降雨量及风力、绿化树种类相关。

    Conclusion : As has been mentioned above , a conclusion can be drawn that the thief allergic pollens in central region of Wuhan City are made of pollens in spring which extremely concerned with ambient temperature , precipitation , wind agency and the categories of greening plants .

  19. 结论:致敏性花粉与过敏性皮肤病有较大关系。

    Conclusion : Allergic pollen has close relation to allergic skin diseases .