
  • 网络blood
  1. 为了保障公路的畅通,远征军踏着滇缅公路走上战场,由此,这血条路也劈开了一条通向新的(神秘、新鲜、残酷的)文学空间的路径。

    In order to ensure the smooth highway . The Chinese expeditionary force tread Yunnan-Burma road on the battlefield . Thus , the blood road also was split a new ( mysterious , fresh , cruel ) literature space of the path .

  2. 综上所述,本研究说明,mPEG-BTC修饰红细胞,能有效遮蔽红细胞的稀有血型抗原,不影响红细胞的结构功能,是制备通用型血的一条有效途径。

    The mPEG-BTC could camouflage the rare blood group antigens on RBC surface efficiently and had no influence on structure and function of modified RBCs . It will provide a useful strategy for preparation of universal donor blood .

  3. 蘸着血留下一条信息?

    To write a message in his own blood ?

  4. 血渗透了两条绷带。

    Blood had soaked through both bandages .

  5. 他们抽了我很多次血我的一条血管都支不住了。

    They 've taken my blood so many times , one of my veins has collapsed .