
xuè shí
  • bloodstone
血石[xuè shí]
  1. 血石说:“不能再这样下去了,我们终究要除掉这个恶魔。”

    But Bloodstone said ," We must kill this monster . "

  2. 这个女孩很漂亮,却一脸的黯然神伤,丘比特走上前询问原因,原来这个女孩是预言家所罗门的女儿,所罗门曾经预言这是一场灾难的宴会,而她,血石,将成为这场灾难的祭献。

    A girl with pretty image but sad eyes attracted Cupid . He wanted to find out why and it turned out this girl was the daughter of the Prophet Solomon . Solomon predicted that this banquet would be a disaster and her daughter named Bloodstone was to be the sacrifice .

  3. 丘比特无法挣脱母亲的手,他含泪回头望着,望着血石和怪物一起离开,消失在茫茫的宇宙中。

    Looking back with tears , Cupid was heart-broken to see they were disappearing in the universe .