
  • 网络Snuff-box;anatomical snuff-box
  1. 结果:桡动脉鼻烟窝段的长度为2.5±0.1cm,其近侧端和远侧端外径分别为2.6±0.1mm和2.2±0.1mm;

    Results : Snuff-box segment of the radial artery were 2.5 ± 0.1 mm long , 2.6 ± 0.1 mm and 2.2 ± 0.1 mm in diameters in its proximal part and distal part .

  2. 以鼻烟窝区血管作动静脉内瘘血液透析的应用解剖

    Blood vessels in Snuff-box region : Their anatomy and use in hemodialysis

  3. 老年尿毒症患者建立鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘应用于血液透析的临床研究

    Clinical study of snuffbox arteriovenous fistula in elderly hemodialysis patients

  4. 手鼻烟窝部动静脉内瘘在血液透析中的临床应用研究

    Clinical application study with snuffbox arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis

  5. 侧侧吻合术式可作为鼻烟窝内瘘首选术式。

    Side to side anastomosis is preferred to build anatomical snuffbox arteriovenous fistula .

  6. 以桡动脉鼻烟窝段为蒂岛状皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of an island flap with the snuff-box segment of the radial artery

  7. 鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘用于血液透析的探讨

    Study of the effect of internal arteriovenous fistula at anatomical snuff - box for hemodialysis

  8. 结论:可设计以桡动脉鼻烟窝段为蒂的岛状筋膜皮瓣,修复手部软组织缺损,对手部的血供无明显影响。

    Conclusions : Soft tissue defects in hand can be repaired with this island flap .

  9. 目的:探索鼻烟窝部建立动静脉内瘘的方法及临床应用效果。

    Objective : To discuss the establishment of internal arteriovenous fistula at anatomical snuff-box and its clinical application effect .

  10. 目的:为桡动脉鼻烟窝段为蒂的岛状皮瓣提供解剖基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for an island flap which is pedicled with the snuff-box segment of radial artery .

  11. 方法:在43例成人手标本上,观察了桡动脉鼻烟窝段的形态及其发出的筋膜皮支。

    Methods : Morphology of the radial artery and its fasciocutaneous perforating branches in snuff-box region were investigated in 43 adult hand specimens .

  12. 结论鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘制作简便,远期通畅率高,并发症少,是血液透析最佳的永久性血管通路。

    Conclusion Performing easily , having a better long-term patency rate and fewer complications , the snuffbox arteriovenous fistula is the most advisable permanent vascular access in hemodialysis .

  13. 结果:本组354例自体动静脉内瘘中,鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘192例(54.2%),前臂动静脉内瘘162例(45.8%);

    Results : In354 cases of AV , 192 cases ( 54.2 % ) were snuffbox AV ( SAV ), and162 cases ( 45.8 % ) were forearm AV ( FAV );

  14. 鼻烟窝动静脉内瘘制作简便,远期通畅率高,并发症少,保留了近端血管,可以在腕部再建标准内瘘,是血管条件良好尿毒症患者首选的永久性血管通路。

    It can retain the proximal vessels to build standard fistula in wrist in the future , so it is a good choice for the uremia patients who need a permante vascular access with good vascular condition .