
  • 网络cleaner production;clean production technology;clean technology
  1. 清洁生产技术方案综合评价方法初探

    Probe Into Overall Evaluation Method on Technical Plans of Cleaner Production

  2. 过程控制清洁生产技术的研究进展

    Study and Progress on Cleaner Production based on Process Control Technology

  3. 研究表明短周期速生材意大利杨APMP制浆工艺是一种低污染的清洁生产技术。

    The research results showed that there was low pollution in effluent of high yield ( APMP ) pulping from Populus nigra .

  4. 煤炭气化是煤清洁生产技术的重要途径,煤的催化气化是高变质福建无烟煤煤(V(ad)<5%)实现高效气化的适宜选择。

    Coal gasification plays an important role in clean coal technology . Catalytic gasification is considered as an effective method for coal conversion especially when a high-metamorphous anthracite with very low validate ( Vad < 5 % ) is gasified .

  5. 家具企业实施清洁生产技术的研究

    A Study on Clean Processing Technology Applied in Chinese Furniture Corporations

  6. 企业进行清洁生产技术创新的影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Effective Factors of Technology Innovation for Cleaner Production

  7. 甘蔗制糖业清洁生产技术指标体系

    Technical Indexes System for Cleaner Production of Cane Sugar Manufacturing Industry

  8. 上海化工原料与产品的清洁生产技术

    Clean Production Technologies for Raw Chemicals and Chemical Products in Shanghai

  9. 我国钢铁工业中的清洁生产技术

    Cleansing production technology of iron and steel industry in China

  10. 清洁生产技术在洗选生产中的应用

    The application of cleaning production technology in washing floatation production

  11. 电镀清洁生产技术途径的探讨

    The discussion on the technical methods of electroplation clean production

  12. 清洁生产技术选择的经济调控模型及策略

    Model and strategy of economic governance for selection of clean production technology

  13. 清洁生产技术的法律保障&综合调整手段的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis Of The Comprehensive Legal Instruments For Promoting Clean Production Technologies

  14. 钢铁工业清洁生产技术筛选机制中的成本评价

    Cost Appraisal in Technology Screening Mechanism for Cleaner Production of Metallurgical Industry

  15. 替代化工污染项目的清洁生产技术

    Clean Production Technologies Replacing Polluted Ones in Shanghai Chemical Industry

  16. 动物废弃物管理与畜牧业清洁生产技术

    Animal waste management and clean production technology in animal husbandry

  17. 我国有色金属清洁生产技术的评价指标探讨

    Evaluation Index System of Cleaner Production Technology in Chinese Nonferrous Metals Industry

  18. 清洁生产技术在选矿废水净化处理中的应用

    Application of Clean Production Technology in Purification Treatment of Washing Plant Wastewater

  19. 高纯二聚酸清洁生产技术分析

    Technical Analysis on Cleaner Production of High Purity Dimeric Acid

  20. 煤炭清洁生产技术的开发与应用研究

    The development and application of coal cleaner production technology

  21. 硝酸行业清洁生产技术研究探讨

    Study on clean Production Technology in Nitric Acid Industry

  22. 浙江省农业清洁生产技术体系构建的探讨

    A study of constructing the agricultural cleaner production technology system of Zhejiang province

  23. 可持续发展中清洁生产技术扩散的分析

    Analysis on Clean Production Technology Spread under Sustainable Development

  24. 制革清洁生产技术与战略

    Technology and strategy of clean production in leather industry

  25. 应用清洁生产技术治理糖蜜酒精糟液

    Applying the Cleaner Production Techniques to Treat Grains and Juice of Molasses Alcohol

  26. 铸造行业循环经济与清洁生产技术评估方法探讨

    Research on the Evaluation Technology for Foundry Industry Cycle Economy & Cleaner Production

  27. 介绍了化肥及基本化工的清洁生产技术。

    The cleaner production technology of fertilizer and basic chemical industry was introduced .

  28. 电子工业的清洁生产技术&免清洗技术

    The Cleaner Production Technique of Electron Industry & the Technique of Exemption from Cleaning

  29. 清洁生产技术框架的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analyses of Technical Framework of Clean Production

  30. 电镀行业清洁生产技术应用

    Application on Cleaner Production Technology of Electroplating Industry