
bàn jué sài
  • semifinal;semi
半决赛 [bàn jué sài]
  • (1) [semifinal]

  • (2) 淘汰赛的倒数第二轮比赛,四个人或四个队分成对安排在两场比赛中,由胜者进入决赛

  • (3) 为淘汰到最后参加决赛所需要的人数而进行的一系列比赛(例如田径项目的比赛)

半决赛[bàn jué sài]
  1. 那个队直到半决赛才给刷下来。

    That team was not eliminated until the semifinals .

  2. 7月29日,中国羽毛球混双两对选手在半决赛中均战胜对手,提前锁定该项目的金银牌。

    China has ensured a one-two finish in badminton mixed doubles after two Chinese pairs beat their respective opponents in the semifinals on Thursday .

  3. 布朗进入了半决赛,但李被淘汰了。

    Brown goes on to the semi-finals but Lee is out .

  4. 他在半决赛中与他的一位同胞选手对垒。

    He played against one of his compatriots in the semi-final .

  5. 他已进入男子单打半决赛。

    He 's through to the semi-final of the men 's singles .

  6. 可望争得半决赛权。

    A place in the semi-finals is in prospect .

  7. 我们队打进了半决赛。

    Our team is through to the semi-finals .

  8. 他在半决赛中获胜。

    He nailed a victory in the semi-finals .

  9. 在1/4决赛中他击败了伦德尔,闯入半决赛。

    He reached the semis after beating Lendl in the quarterfinal .

  10. 他看过一场足总杯半决赛。

    He had been to see a Semi-Final of the FA Cup

  11. 排名前四位的国家进入半决赛。

    The top four seeded nations are through to the semi-finals .

  12. 我在400米半决赛中被淘汰。

    I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals

  13. 如果不能挺进半决赛,对他们来说就是完败。

    It would be a disaster for them not to reach the semi-finals

  14. 刚刚在半决赛中战胜德国队的英国队开场便取得了领先,形势一片大好。

    Fresh from their semi-final win over Germany , Britain took a promising early lead

  15. 加时赛结束后,这场半决赛的比分还是零比零。

    The semi-final finished goalless after extra time .

  16. 他没能找回闯进半决赛时表现出来的状态。

    He couldn 't recapture the form he 'd shown in getting to the semi-final

  17. 史蒂夫·刘易斯赢了第一场半决赛。

    Steve Lewis won the first semi-final .

  18. 继去年在杯赛半决赛中获胜后,他们仅又赢过一场比赛。

    They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year .

  19. 失利者仍有可能在争夺半决赛权时被西德队击败。

    It 's still possible for the losers to be pipped by West Germany for a semi-final place

  20. 为了补回恶劣天气耽误的时间,半决赛选手不得不一日双赛。

    The semi-finalists had to play twice in the day to make up for time lost to bad weather .

  21. 半决赛的负者将再赛一场,以决出第三名。

    The losing semi-finalists will play off for the third place .

  22. 赫伯特将在半决赛中和杰伊较量。

    Herbert will be matched against Jay in the semifinal .

  23. 他们在半决赛中以一比九惨败。

    They were wiped out1-9 in the semifinal .

  24. 鹰队和虎队之间将进行排球半决赛,这将是一场真正的棋逢对手的比赛。

    There will be a volleyball semi-final between " the eagle " and " the tiger " . that will really be diamond cut diamond .

  25. 但他进入半决赛本身就创造了历史,因为他是第一位在奥运会上进入男子200米半决赛的中国选手。

    Xie made history by becoming the first Chinese runner to reach the men 's 200m semifinals at an Olympics .

  26. 同时,中国乒乓球女子单打选手陈梦和孙颖莎也在半决赛中战胜各自的对手,将于今晚会师决赛。

    Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha beat their respective opponent in table tennis women 's singles semifinals to set up an all-China clash late on Thursday .

  27. trip视篮球如命,而这次是半决赛。

    Trip lived for basketball , and it was the semis .

  28. 库珀率领国米杀入欧洲冠军联赛半决赛,历史性地与AC米兰一起上演了两回合的“欧洲德比”。

    Hector Cuper guides Inter to the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League and a historic two-legged'Euroderby'with AC Milan .

  29. 他们在1984年和2005年的欧冠决赛中分别点杀罗马和AC米兰,2007年在半决赛淘汰切尔西。

    They beat Roma and AC Milan in the Finals of1984 and2005 respectively and beat Chelsea in that Semi-Final in2007 .

  30. 海伦娜,你几乎就进了doa半决赛了。

    You almost made it to the semi-finals of doa , helena .