
  • 网络Skirt
  1. 更有甚者,在高田贤三连衣裙之后,她又穿了鲜艳的橙红色奥图扎拉(Altuzarra)上衣和半身裙,上面印着盛开鲜花的图案;

    Especially because the Kenzo dress was followed by a bright orange-red Altuzarra blazer and skirt , bedecked in blooms ;

  2. 她身穿湛蓝色前系扣衬衫、白色上衣和细条纹半身裙,脚踩实用的轻便鞋,站在东京湾台场海洋城(AquaCityOdaiba)的一个柜台后面,用日语、中文和英语分发当地景点和商店的指南。

    In her crisp blue button-down shirt , white blazer and pinstripe skirt , she stands in sensible pumps behind a counter in Aqua City Odaiba on Tokyo Bay , dispensing directions to local sites and shops in Japanese , Chinese and English .

  3. 比如连锁潮店OpeningCeremony就有三种半身裙和连身裙供选择:迷你、中等长度还有长裙。

    Ultra-trendy retailer Opening Ceremony , for example , sells its skirts and dresses in three categories : mini , midi , and maxi .

  4. 肯定没有女学生穿过普罗恩萨12539;施罗的设计师杰克12539;麦科洛(JackMcCollough)和拉扎罗12539;埃尔南德斯(LazaroHernandez)设计的那些玫瑰金烫金或烫银的丝绸褶皱半身裙。

    Certainly no schoolgirl has worn rose-gold - or silver-foil-printed silk pleated skirts like those made by Proenza Schouler 's designers , Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez .

  5. 对于褶皱半身裙和连衣裙,褶皱长度合适很重要。

    With pleated skirts and dresses , hem length is important to get right .

  6. 他的2011年度假系列流露出这种轻松自在的感觉,包括纱笼式半身裙和渐变色T恤。

    his 2011 resort collection captured the undoneness of a day at the beach , with sarong-like skirts and ombr é T-shirts .

  7. 打个比方,如果你穿着半身裙、露着双腿,那么你就需要一件长外套,这样更加保暖。

    For example , if you 're wearing a dress and have exposed legs , a longer coat will keep you warmer .

  8. 你们是不是也和我一样喜欢这条抹胸裙子上的皱折?你可以在这里和这里看到我是拿她来当半身裙穿的。

    Don 't you like the ruffles on this dress ? You can see me wore it as skirt here and here .

  9. 她成长的过程中常常穿连衣裙和校服的半身裙,长大以后为了表示叛逆,经常穿长裤。

    She was raised in dresses and the skirts of school uniforms and has spent much of her adult life rebelling by wearing pants .

  10. 以是日头花色调的衬衫最佳搭一件洗患上发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一路穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。

    So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans , or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top .

  11. 你看,这一季开始流行褶皱了――半身裙上,连衣裙上,其他衣服上偶尔也会出现――这些褶皱慢慢聚集起来,形成了影响最广的一股潮流。

    So it went this season with pleats on skirts , dresses and occasionally elsewhere which slowly gathered to form one of the widest-reaching trends .

  12. 莱克说:连体泳衣搭配一条半身裙或者一条短裤,就可以去吃午餐了。我把它当紧身衣穿。

    ' You can wear it with a skirt or a pair of shorts and it 's suitable for lunch , ' Ms Lake added .

  13. 我们设计了一款上衣,同时也是围巾,有20种不同的系法;我们有一些半身裙同时也能当连衣裙。

    We designed a top that is also a wrap that can be tied 20 different ways ; we have skirts that can also be dresses .

  14. 而非取代所有的衣服。在Storq的网站上,弹性莫代尔单品――半身裙、连身裙、打底裤、背心――可以分开购买,也可以以195美元的价格购买整套。

    Storq 's stretchy modal pieces-skirt , dress , leggings , tank top-can be purchased separately , or as a complete set for $ 195 , on the brand 's website .

  15. 黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。所以太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。

    The colour works best teamed with creams , beiges and khakis . So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans , or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top .

  16. 每天早上她在第14区自己的公寓里搭配起来的裤子、上衣、半身裙、衬衫、连衣裙、长筒袜、鞋子、披肩、手包和珠宝跟巴黎任何其他人穿的或见过的都不一样。

    The pants , jackets , skirts , blouses , dresses , stockings , shoes , shawls , bags and jewelry that she assembled and donned each morning in her 14th Arrondissement apartment were unlike anything anyone else in Paris wore , or had ever seen .

  17. 莱克说:“连体泳衣搭配一条半身裙或者一条短裤,就可以去吃午餐了。我把它当紧身衣穿。如果长周末要外出,我就会带一件,因为它的用途很多。”

    You can wear it with a skirt or a pair of shorts and it 's suitable for lunch , ' Ms Lake added . ' I use it like a body suit . If I were going away for a long weekend , I 'd pack one because of its versatility . '