
The act duty theory of the offense of Pseudo-Omission Crimess .
Chapter One : the concept of offense of nontypical omission .
Chapter Two : the objective essentials of offense of nontypical omission .
The relations that with the common crime and the criminal negligence ;
This case an academic called pure omission .
And the clash that between judicatory explain .
The duty to act belongs to the area of conformity of criminal constitutive elements .
On Doctrine of Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Specified Crime and Offense of Nontypical Omission
The theoretical study on offense of nontypical omission begins from the early 19 th century .
The sixth part : The objective and subjective elements of the impure crime of omission .
On Pseudo Crimes of Omission
To the basic theories of offense of nontypical omission , the author inquired into the punishment ;
The act duty theory is the core of the whole theory of the offense of Pseudo-Omission Crimess .
All of the questions mentioned above are the important problems in the theory and practice of offense of nontypical omission .
This part , in the first place , makes commentaries on the principle opinions about the objective essentials of offense of nontypical omission .
Different attitude for the punishment of the impure crime of omission is adopted in theories and lawmaking of criminal law in every country .
It is a consensus among theory and legal practice . For it is not clearly stipulated in the Criminal Code , it remains a problem .
The phenomenon of " the wife suicides , but the husband does not rescue " causes the discussion and research of the impure negative crime theory .
There are two main derivative theory of the principle of legality have directly relationship with the Pseudo-Omission Crimes , that is , definite principle and positive principle .
The author believes that the crime of money-laundering can not set up as a pure not guilty , the key lies in whether the specific subject for a specific obligation .
As the criminal law did not impure as a crime is not clearly defined , leading to the judicial practice of the impure is not a criminal process is different .
Finally , the author combines together the cases met in the judicial acts of more than ten years with some theories for offense of nontypical omission , and put forward some challenge standpoints .
Secondly , the first arising from acts of omission committed impure acts of the composite structure , behavioral models that criminal law is the first act and the subsequent omission of a comprehensive evaluation .
The result is , on one hand the court in case one could not justify ; on the other hand , it highlights immature of this theory . Obviously , the judicial practice and the theory are out of line .
This article is on the concept of offense of nontypical omission , the constitutive requirements and basic theories of which , and the relations between offense of nontypical omission and ' Doctrine of A Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Special Crime ' .
Non-typical omission offence not only exist significant controversy in the group of criminal law , but also has big differences in judicial practice . And the focus of the controversy mainly concentrates on the source of the non-typical omission offence , causality and so on .
In terms of Pseudo-Omission Crimes , the primary reason questioned from the definite principle of the principle of legality is that the criminal rules do not prescribe one of its based factors-the obligatory commissions ; thereby the Pseudo-Omission Crimes do not meet the requirement of definite principle .
And for the obligatory commissions of the Pseudo-Omission Crimes , the criminal rules do not clearly prescribe it because of the limitations of legislative technique , therefore this kind of obligatory could only been definited in theory , and theoretically , should only belong to the legal obligation .
Discussion on Untrue Omission and Previous Act
Thirdly , the possibility of setting up on the crime of money laundering is not pure is not as committed problems .