
  1. 第六章,不纯正不作为犯的作为义务理论。

    The act duty theory of the offense of Pseudo-Omission Crimess .

  2. 第一章,不纯正不作为犯的概念。

    Chapter One : the concept of offense of nontypical omission .

  3. 第二章,不纯正不作为犯的客观要件。

    Chapter Two : the objective essentials of offense of nontypical omission .

  4. 不纯正不作为犯罪与共同犯罪和犯罪过失的关系;

    The relations that with the common crime and the criminal negligence ;

  5. 这种情况学理上称之为不纯正不作为犯。

    This case an academic called pure omission .

  6. 不纯正不作为犯罪理论与司法解释的冲突。

    And the clash that between judicatory explain .

  7. 作为义务是属于犯罪构成要件符合性的范畴,是成立不纯正不作为犯的理论前提。

    The duty to act belongs to the area of conformity of criminal constitutive elements .

  8. 罪刑法定主义与不纯正不作为犯

    On Doctrine of Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Specified Crime and Offense of Nontypical Omission

  9. 从理论方面研究和探讨不纯正不作为犯开始于19世纪初。

    The theoretical study on offense of nontypical omission begins from the early 19 th century .

  10. 第六部分:不纯正不作为犯的客观要件和主观要件。

    The sixth part : The objective and subjective elements of the impure crime of omission .

  11. 论不纯正不作为犯罪

    On Pseudo Crimes of Omission

  12. 在不纯正不作为的基本理论中,作者探讨了不纯正不作为犯罪的处罚;

    To the basic theories of offense of nontypical omission , the author inquired into the punishment ;

  13. 作为义务理论是整个不纯正不作为犯理论的核心。

    The act duty theory is the core of the whole theory of the offense of Pseudo-Omission Crimess .

  14. 这些无一不是系关着不纯正不作为犯之理论与实务的重大命题。

    All of the questions mentioned above are the important problems in the theory and practice of offense of nontypical omission .

  15. 首先,笔者对关于不纯正不作为犯客观要件的一些主要理论观点进行了评述,并对等价性、作为可能性及因果关系等在客观要件中的地位问题等作了进一步的探讨。

    This part , in the first place , makes commentaries on the principle opinions about the objective essentials of offense of nontypical omission .

  16. 各国的刑法理论和刑法立法对不纯正不作为犯的处罚采取了不同的态度。

    Different attitude for the punishment of the impure crime of omission is adopted in theories and lawmaking of criminal law in every country .

  17. 但由于毕竟没有法律的明文规定,故不纯正不作为犯罪问题一直是困扰刑事理论和实践的难题。

    It is a consensus among theory and legal practice . For it is not clearly stipulated in the Criminal Code , it remains a problem .

  18. 妻子自杀,丈夫见死不救的现象引起不纯正不作为犯理论的讨论和研究。

    The phenomenon of " the wife suicides , but the husband does not rescue " causes the discussion and research of the impure negative crime theory .

  19. 而与不纯正不作为犯直接相关的是罪刑法定原则的两个重要派生原则&明确性原则和确定性原则。

    There are two main derivative theory of the principle of legality have directly relationship with the Pseudo-Omission Crimes , that is , definite principle and positive principle .

  20. 笔者认为,洗钱罪能否成立不纯正不作为犯,其关键在于特定主体是否负有特定的作为义务。

    The author believes that the crime of money-laundering can not set up as a pure not guilty , the key lies in whether the specific subject for a specific obligation .

  21. 由于刑法未对不纯正不作为犯罪作明确规定,导致司法实务中对不纯正不作为犯罪的处理不尽相同。

    As the criminal law did not impure as a crime is not clearly defined , leading to the judicial practice of the impure is not a criminal process is different .

  22. 最后,作者将自己在十几年的司法实践中遇到的不纯正不作为犯罪的案例与不纯正不作为的一些理论相结合,并且提出了一些有挑战性的观点。

    Finally , the author combines together the cases met in the judicial acts of more than ten years with some theories for offense of nontypical omission , and put forward some challenge standpoints .

  23. 其次,提出先行行为引起的不纯正不作为犯是复合结构行为的行为模型,认为刑法是将先行行为和其后的不作为进行综合评价的。

    Secondly , the first arising from acts of omission committed impure acts of the composite structure , behavioral models that criminal law is the first act and the subsequent omission of a comprehensive evaluation .

  24. 造成的结果是:一方面使得案例一中法院的判决无法自圆其说一特定关系更加模糊不清;另一方面凸显了我国对不纯正不作为犯研究的不成熟,司法实践与理论相脱节。

    The result is , on one hand the court in case one could not justify ; on the other hand , it highlights immature of this theory . Obviously , the judicial practice and the theory are out of line .

  25. 本文围绕不纯正不作为犯罪的概念、构成要件和基本理论,不纯正不作为犯罪与罪刑法定原则的关系进行研究。

    This article is on the concept of offense of nontypical omission , the constitutive requirements and basic theories of which , and the relations between offense of nontypical omission and ' Doctrine of A Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Special Crime ' .

  26. 不纯正不作为犯不仅在刑法理论上存在重大争议,而且在司法实践当中也存在较大的分歧,争议的焦点主要集中在不纯正不作为犯的作为义务来源,因果关系等一系列问题上。

    Non-typical omission offence not only exist significant controversy in the group of criminal law , but also has big differences in judicial practice . And the focus of the controversy mainly concentrates on the source of the non-typical omission offence , causality and so on .

  27. 就不纯正不作为犯而言,来自罪刑法定主义之明确性原则的质疑主要在于刑法规范并未对作为其成立条件之一的作为义务进行规定,因而被指不符合明确性原则的要求。

    In terms of Pseudo-Omission Crimes , the primary reason questioned from the definite principle of the principle of legality is that the criminal rules do not prescribe one of its based factors-the obligatory commissions ; thereby the Pseudo-Omission Crimes do not meet the requirement of definite principle .

  28. 对于不纯正不作为犯之作为义务,由于立法技术上的局限刑法规范并未对其作出明确规定,因此只能从理论上对其进行界定。

    And for the obligatory commissions of the Pseudo-Omission Crimes , the criminal rules do not clearly prescribe it because of the limitations of legislative technique , therefore this kind of obligatory could only been definited in theory , and theoretically , should only belong to the legal obligation .

  29. 论不纯正的不作为及其先前行为

    Discussion on Untrue Omission and Previous Act

  30. 第三,关于洗钱罪可否成立不纯正的不作为犯的问题。

    Thirdly , the possibility of setting up on the crime of money laundering is not pure is not as committed problems .