- 网络The Fountain of Youth

Green Tea-Youth in a Glass : Apart from being exceptionally tasty-drinking green tea could be likened to drinking from the fountain of youth .
MIAMI ( Reuters ) - Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the " Fountain of Youth " in the southern Bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $ 50 million .
Getting to this " non-linearity " of revenue would be akin to the fountain of youth , according to Nabil elsheshai , an analyst at Pacific Securities .
The quest for a mental fountain of youth , pursued by baby boomers who fear that their bodies will outlive their brains , and who have deeper pockets than Juan Ponce de Le ó n , has created a billion-dollar industry .
Instructor Linda Ferrell says it 's like the fountain of youth .
of an elixir of life or a fountain of youth
Studying a language had been like drinking from a mental fountain of youth .
Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth .
Co erfield I ists his archipelago also contai the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth .
Most people expect the fourth film to follow Sparrow 's adventure to find the Fountain of Youth , a treasure revealed at the conclusion of the third film .
In what amounts to a technological triumph for the aspiring Benjamin Buttons of the virtual world , a team of quantum physicists reported earlier this year that they had succeeded in creating a computer algorithm that acts like the Fountain of Youth .
One might sum up the debate about Apple 's prospects and valuation like this : will the iPhone and the iPad ( two-thirds of Apple 's sales ) drink from the fountain of youth , as the Mac has , or prove mortal , like the iPod ?
With its great cypress tree dating from the Zhou Dynasty , the Never Old Spring that has run for thousands of years , the Goddess Hall built in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Xian Temple constructed in the Jin Dynasty .