
  • 网络Unreasonable Behavior;unreasonable behaviour;highly unreasonable conduct
  1. 她说,该网站可被用作“不合理行为”的证据。哈钦森补充说:“如果你正抱怨伴侣有酗酒问题,而他们的Facebook状态更新有“外出狂欢”相关内容,你就可以用这个作证。”

    She said the site can be used as evidence of unreasonable behaviour , adding : " If you are complaining that they have a drinking problem and they have posted statuses about going out on the razzle ... that could be used . "

  2. 其他的常见原因还有:不合理行为(17%),中年危机(10%),金钱(5%)

    Other common reasons for divorcing were : unreasonable behaviour ( 17 % ), mid-life crisis ( 10 % ) and money ( 5 % ) .

  3. 该事务所称在过去两年内因不合理行为提出的离婚诉讼中,含有Facebook一词的起诉书比例增加了50%。

    The firm said it had seen a 50 percent jump in the number of behaviour-based divorce petitions that contained the word " Facebook " in the past two years .

  4. 哥伦布对圣经预言的错误看法导致他对待泰诺(Taino)族人的不合理行为,而他的行为并非证明圣经预言是错误的。

    Columbus 's view of biblical prophecy does not justify his actions toward the Taino but neither do his actions make biblical prophecies erroneous .

  5. 去年提交给该事务所的5000份因不合理行为提出的离婚诉讼中,有33%提到了这一社交网站。

    Thirty-three percent of the 5000 behaviour petitions filed with the firm in the past year mentioned the site .

  6. 但是,我们必须看到土地整理中的一些限制因素和不合理行为对生态环境的负面影响。

    However , we must also see the negative impact on the ecological environment of land consolidation in a number of constraints and unreasonable behaviors .

  7. 据律师事务所离婚在线称,去年那些因不合理行为离婚的案件中有三分之一将社交网站作为离婚原因之一。

    The social networking site was cited as a reason for a third of divorces last year in which unreasonable behaviour was a factor , according to law firm Divorce-Online .

  8. 实践证明,一套好的制度安排能有效地降低管理成本,促进先进和合理行为的发生和发展,同时减少和抑制落后和不合理行为的发生。

    Practices proved that good institutional arrangements can reduce the cost of management effectively , improving the emergence and development of advanced and reasonable behaviors , at the same time decrease and depress the emergence of obsolete and unreasonable behaviors .

  9. 乡镇政府的不合理财政行为及其后果分析

    Analysis on the Unreasonable Financial Behavior of Town Government and Its Effects

  10. 侵权是任何社会的不合理的行为,它不是契约性的行为。

    A tort is any socially unreasonable conduct , which is not contractual .

  11. 高新医疗技术临床应用中的不合理诊疗行为,主要包括医方趋利性医疗行为和防御性医疗行为。中小学教育阶段营利问题分析

    Irrational medical treatment includes profit seeking medical behaviors by medical professionals and defensive medical behaviors . On " Seeking Profit " in Primary and Secondary Schooling

  12. 指出了社会中介组织在发展过程中存在的诸多问题,即独立性差,布局不合理,行为缺少规范,法律法规不健全以及监管缺位。

    Some deficiencies are found in developing social agency services in China , such as lack of independence , unreasonable layout , no normalized behavior in management , unsound legality and rules / regulations and lack of supervision .

  13. 笔者认为,行为是在制度中发生的,通过分析拆迁主体在拆迁过程中种种看似不合理的行为,恰恰能找到造成制度缺陷的成因,相应地也找到了完善制度的依据。

    The author thinks that action occurs in the system , by analyzing those unreasonable behavior of the relocation subject during the relocation process , we can find the reason causing system weakness and basis of system perfection correspondingly .

  14. 经理不能忽视不合理的操作行为信号。

    Managers do not ignore signs of inappropriate practices .

  15. 人类不合理的开发行为给土壤环境带来了沉重的负面影响,主要表现为土壤沙化、土壤侵蚀、土壤盐渍化、土壤污染等。

    Human 's irrational development activities have brought serious effects to soil environment , such as desertification , soil erosion , salination , and contamination etc.

  16. 纳税人诉讼是纳税人基于行政机关的不合理用税行为向法院提起的一种特殊行政公益诉讼。

    The taxpayer 's litigation is an administrative suit in public intrerest which is bring to court by taxpayers as administrative body unreasonably utilize taxments .

  17. 结论社会因素对老龄群体用药的影响是一普遍现象,其结果会导致老龄群体用药社会化程度提高,用药的盲从心理加剧,使老龄群体不合理的用药行为更加普遍。

    Conclusion The influence of social factors on medication use in aged population is a general social phenomenon , that may increase the socialized usage of medication in this population , exacerbate medication use followed blindly , and thus increase unnecessary / incorrect use of medication in aged population .

  18. 鼓励客户段投入,打击不合理的市场投机行为。

    We encourage customers to invest in batches and fight against market speculation .

  19. 存在的问题主要是供求结构不合理,存在投机行为和金融隐患。

    There are many speculators . Problems exist in demand-supply structure and financial systems .

  20. 经济改革中企业行为手段的不合理是由于企业行为目标、行为环境造成的。

    The irrational means of enterprise in economic reform are resulted from enterprise objects and environment of behavior .

  21. 人类不合理的资源利用行为,直接引起土地退化,最终导致土地荒漠化。

    Irrational behavior of human resource utilization is a direct result of land degradation , eventually leading to desertification .

  22. 在城市发展中,一些不合理的湿地开发行为,导致城市湿地功能退化。

    In urban development , some irrational wetland development has resulted in the degradation of the function of the city wetland .

  23. 另一方面,金融监管引导金融创新,规范不合理的金融创新行为。

    On the other hand , financial innovation , financial regulation to guide and standardize the unreasonable behavior of financial innovation .

  24. 但在城市化进程中,由于不合理的开发建设行为,导致大量湿地被破坏,功能退化。

    However , during the urbanization process , irrational development and construction have resulted in massive destruction of wetlands and degradation of their functions .

  25. 因教致贫产生的原因主要有教育成本分担不合理、教育收费行为不规范以及个体和家庭的教育投资偏差等三个方面。

    The reasons of being trapped in poverty by receiving education mainly lie in three aspects : unreasonable cost-share , irregular education charge and inappropriate education choices .

  26. 合理的农户经济行为能够促进生态文明建设,反之不合理的农户经济行为将阻碍生态文明的发展。

    Rational economic behavior of households can able to promote the conservation culture , whereas irrational economic behavior of farmers will hinder the development of conservation culture .

  27. 从社会成本和长期效用出发,农民的非理性环境行为是指那些破坏或不合理利用环境的行为。

    According to the social cost and long-term effectiveness , we can define the peasants ' irrational environment behavior as those behaviors of destroying and unreasonable utilizing of the environment .

  28. 由于西部地区特殊的地质地貌条件,不合理的水电开发行为极易引发地质灾害,破坏动植物生活环境,损毁旅游景观资源,加剧水土流失。

    Exploitation of hydropower may lead to geological disasters , damage living environment of animals and plants as well as landscape resources and increase soil erosion due to the special topographic feature in this area .

  29. 地方政府干预扭曲了信贷资金的价格机制,降低了资源配置的效率,地方政府不合理的信贷干预行为成为导致我国金融风险的重要因素。

    Intervention of local government distorted the formation mechanism of loan price , and reduces efficiency of resource allocation . Unreasonable intervention of local government comes into important influencing factors of financial risk in China .

  30. 社会结构的不合理和对于相关行为的相关犯罪法律和条文设置的不合理,即一些可以合法化的行为被定义为犯罪行为。

    Second , the social structure of the irrational and the related behaviors related to criminal law and the provisions set unreasonable , that is , behavior that can be defined legalization has been defined as criminal acts .