
  1. 中国古代舞蹈审美层面论

    On the Aesthetic Aspects of Chinese Ancient Dance

  2. 试论中国古代舞蹈服饰的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characters of Ancient Chinese Dance Dress

  3. 中国古代舞蹈教育流变

    The Development of Dance Education in Ancient China

  4. 中国古代舞蹈资源的开发研究

    Research on Chinese Ancient Dances Resources Development

  5. 唐代乐舞是中国古代舞蹈发展的巅峰。

    The Music and Dance in Tang Dynasty is the crown of Chinese ancient dance .

  6. 在中国古代舞蹈发展史上,由儿童作舞的现象屡见不鲜。

    In the historical development of ancient Chinese dance , children dances were not rare occurrences .

  7. 长袖舞是中国古代舞蹈史上一种重要的舞蹈形式。

    The long sleeve dancing was an important pattern in the dancing history of ancient China .

  8. 中国古代舞蹈是丰厚和多元的,其资源更是可开发和利用的。

    The resource of Chinese ancient dances is so rich and plural that it is heritable and exploitable .

  9. 中国古代舞蹈艺术发展史中的重要阶段&汉魏六朝时期乐舞探微

    The Important Stage Within the Development History of Chinese Ancient Art of Dancing & Exploration of Yue Wu ( Dance with Musical Accompaniment ) in Six Dynasties from Han

  10. 在这一章中介绍了礼乐思想的文化底蕴及中国古代舞蹈的礼法意识,并举例说明作为代表性的经典作品及形态特征。

    In this chapter introduces the " music " thinking of the culture and ancient Chinese dance decorums consciousness , and illustrate the classic work as representative and morphological characteristics .

  11. 探讨除了与乐舞相关的时代背景和服饰文化之外,将具有等级与君子象征的玉文化和舞蹈之间的关系进行研究,旨在从多方位、多角度的来探讨中国古代舞蹈文化。

    Additionally , it studies the relationship between the jade culture that symbolizes gentlemen and traditional dance , aiming to explore the dance culture of ancient China from multiple angles .

  12. 中国古代舞蹈教育对中国古代舞蹈艺术的发展始终起到了不容忽视的作用,应当说两者都是构成中国古代舞蹈文化的有机组成部分。

    Dance education in ancient China plays an important role in the progress of Chinese ancient dance art ; both of them are the essential components of Chinese ancient dance culture .

  13. 中国古代体育舞蹈的演变及其特性

    Evolution and Character of Chinese Ancient Sport Dance

  14. 中国古代宫廷舞蹈的歌、舞、乐三位一体关系是舞蹈史料研究的重要对象。

    The correlations between chant , dance and music in ancient China court dancing is a key point for studying the history of dance .

  15. 余论中对吴地舞蹈历史发展的总体特征及其与中国古代传统舞蹈整体的分合轨迹,并对当代江南舞蹈舞台艺术创作的状况、特征及其在民间的生存状况进行了归纳总结。

    The Conclusion summarize the separation and combination track between Wu-dancing and the Chinese dancing history , and the invention of the Wu-dancing of the time .

  16. 因此,本文对中国古代各时期的舞蹈教育活动逐一剖析,尤其是对于每一时期的主要特点,以期更好地把握古代舞蹈教育的整体轮廓,领略每个时代的精髓,认清弊端。

    In this paper , we analyze the dance education action of China ancient different periods one by one , especially on the main characteristics of different dance education ;

  17. 中国古典舞承袭了中国古代舞蹈和中国戏曲舞蹈的部分元素,既有古典舞蹈的艺术特征和舞姿造型,又是传统戏曲舞蹈中各种动作和技巧的汇总。

    Chinese Classical Dance adopts some elements from ancient Chinese dance and Chinese opera . It has not only artistic features and dance style of classical dance , but also a variety of dance movements and techniques of traditional Chinese opera dance .