
  1. 显然,我们都知道中世纪英格兰的车裂。

    Sure , we 're familiar with drawing and quartering from medieval England .

  2. 中世纪英格兰的乡村体制是农民生活的制度空间。

    The rural system in medieval England is system space of peasant 's life .

  3. 中世纪英格兰医院是一种慈善救助机构,其发展过程中伴随着基督教与王权的斗争。

    The medieval England hospital is a charity organization concomitant of the struggle in Christianity and the monarchy .

  4. 中世纪英格兰的法律具有不同的来源,其中主要有日耳曼因素、基督教因素和罗马因素。

    The law tradition of England consists of three elements : Germanic factor , Christianity factor and Roman factor .

  5. 在中世纪,英格兰向法国发动了战争。

    In the Middle Ages England waged war on France .

  6. 分布于中世纪时期英格兰的法语(诺曼第语)。

    The French ( Norman ) language used in medieval England .

  7. 中世纪晚期英格兰农村妇女的经济活动考察

    Research on the Economic Activities of Rural Women in the Late Medieval England

  8. 本文研究的是中世纪末期英格兰的治安官制度。

    This thesis studies the constabulary system of England in the late middle ages .

  9. 从罗马时代一直到中世纪,英格兰和威尔士各地普遍种植葡萄树。

    Vines were widely grown in England and Wales from Roman times until well into the middle ages .

  10. 中世纪早期英格兰的生产力水平低下,封建化进程缓慢,城市更是处在不发达的水平。

    Early medieval England was low in production capability and slow in feudalization , and the cities at that time also stayed in the undeveloped level .

  11. 笔者先论述了盎格鲁-撒克逊法的特点,然后,探讨法律对中世纪早期英格兰社会的影响,分别由教会和法律、国王和法律的关系,来予以分析和探究。

    First of all , I discuss the characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon law , and then investigate the relationship to the church , king and the law .

  12. 在此详细康在中世纪的英格兰,抢柯尔树叶穷人疾病缠身伦敦闯神州大地的喧哗,戏法,贩药给病人。

    In this detailed recreation of medieval england , rob Cole leaves poor , disease-ridden London to make his way across the land by hustling , juggling , and peddling cures to the sick .

  13. 在中世纪的英格兰,贵族妇女根据普通法在不动产继承方面享有广泛权利,此前的盎格鲁&撒克逊时代更是被史家称为妇女的黄金时代。

    According to the common law , noblewomen enjoyed comprehensive rights on land inheritance in medieval England , and the period before Conquest is often regarded as the Golden Age for woman by historians .

  14. 文章第四部分,笔者谈到中世纪晚期英格兰医院的转变,这种转变从十四世纪的黑死病时期开始,直到十五世纪晚期、十六世纪初期。

    The forth part , the author talks about the change of the late medieval England hospital , this transition start from fourteenth century the Black Death , until the late fifteenth century , early sixteenth century .

  15. 头一段的引言描绘出中世纪前期的英格兰景象。

    The opening paragraph invokes a vision of England in the early Middle Ages .

  16. 第三章在中世纪晚期,英格兰的圣徒崇拜已经发生了变化。

    Chapter Three Something new has happened in the cult of saint in the late medieval England .

  17. 五港同盟诞生于中世纪初期的英格兰,是英国历史上唯一的城市同盟。

    Cinque Ports borned in the early Medieval England , is the only city alliance in British history .

  18. 比如,中世纪制作的英格兰赫里福德教堂世界地图不过是些绘在羔皮、或者说拉伸了的犊皮上的图案,没有使用托勒密的几何方法。

    The medieval Mappa Mundi in England 's Hereford cathedral , for example , is little more than drawings on vellum , or stretched calfskin , and it lacks Ptolemy 's geometric method .

  19. 中世纪后期,英格兰城市迅速发展,经济水平迅速提高,城市吸引了各种工匠和商人甚至外国商人前来贸易。

    In late medieval time , cities in England developed rapidly and the economic level was increasingly raised , attracting all kinds of craftsmen and merchants , even from foreign land , to do business here .

  20. 第一根有文字记载的、具有特别厉害和危险魔力的接骨木魔杖,其主人叫埃默里克,人称“恶棍”。他是一个短命的但攻击力极强的巫师,于中世纪早期在英格兰南部实行恐怖统治。

    The first well-documented mention of a wand made of elder that had particularly strong and dangerous powers was owned by Emeric , commonly called " the Evil , " a short-lived but exceptionally aggressive wizard who terrorised the South of England in the early Middle Ages .

  21. 中世纪和近代早期英格兰敞田经营制度再认识

    New Study of the Open-Field System in Medieval and Early Modern England