
chún zhǒnɡ mǎ
  • bloodstock;blood horse
  1. 如今大多数马球坐骑都是从赛马中严格挑选出来的纯种马。

    Most polo mounts today are thoroughbreds from racing stock .

  2. 马卡姆首选的英国纯种马之间的所有品种之首;

    Markham preferred the English Thoroughbred first among all breeds of horses ;

  3. 肯塔基州农场出产一些世界上最好的纯种马。

    Kentucky farms produce some of the world 's finest pure breed horses .

  4. 我在城市外的马场&马马科纳庄园的阳台享用了午餐,观看了秘鲁顶尖的驯马师如何训练乌黑的纯种马。

    I had lunch on the verandah of the Hacienda Mamacona horse ranch outside the city and watched Peru 's top horsemen put sepia thoroughbreds through their paces .

  5. 这个农场每年养100匹左右纯种马,照管大约300匹纯种阿拉伯马。

    The farm raises around 100 thoroughbreds every year and cares for about 300 purebred Arabian horses .

  6. 在开幕式的最后阶段出现了颇富戏剧性的一幕,该国一位王子骑着一匹纯种阿拉伯马沿着陡峭的斜梯飞驰而上。

    In the dramatic finale , the emir 's son rode a pure bred Arabian horse up steep stairs .

  7. “鸿运当头”是一匹纯种的蒙古马。

    " Lucky Strike " is a blue-blooded Mongorian .

  8. 纯种的阿拉伯马能理解它的英国主人,不是因为他学过英语语法或者它天生懂英语,而是因为它爱和依恋它的主人。

    The pureblood Arabian horse can get his English master 's meaning and it is because that he has learnt the English grammar or he knows English naturally , but because he loves and clings to his master .

  9. 纯种动物特别是马的谱系的官方记录。

    Official record of the pedigree of purebred animals especially horses .