
  • 网络Calendar time;Calender Time
  1. 为对其进行研究,首先对Musa的软件可靠性的增长日历时间模型进行了简化,建立了软件测试日历时间模型。

    In order to carry out research on software-tesing cost , this paper first simplifies Musa 's software reliability improvement model for calendar time and builds a time model of software testing .

  2. 这种从日历时间到经济时间的变换类似于坐标变换,称为时间变换。

    The transformation from calendar time to economic time is so called time deformation .

  3. 经过事件时间和日历时间的实证研究发现:(1)我国IPO在上市后3年内总体上表现出长期强势。

    The empirical results of Event-time and Calendar-time studies show that : ( 1 ) In Chinese stock market , IPOs generally exist long-run superior performance within 3 years after going public ;

  4. 主要对比分析了两种现有的度量方法&事件时间研究法和日历时间研究法,介绍了这两种方法下不同的度量模型的研究思路及研究步骤。

    The principle of event-time methodology and calendar-time methodology is introduced .

  5. 在同一个日历时间中有许多活动正在进行。

    There are many activities going on in the same calendar timeline .

  6. 指出实施成本根据活动的频率,日历时间,和工时。

    An indication of implementation cost in terms of frequency of activity , calendar time , and man-hours per iteration .

  7. 由于每个月份或季度的实际天数并不相同,所以对数据进行月化、季度化调整时,实际上已经采用了不同于日历时间的新时间。

    Because every month or quarter have different numbers of days , the monthly or quarterly time series already involve time deformation .

  8. 它具有8通道模拟量输入、8通道开关量输入/输出、日历时间等功能。

    The system can achieve 8 channels input of analog quantities , 8 channels input or output of digital quantities and calendar .

  9. 根据银行系统的需要,设计并制作了能显示利率、日历时间和汉字的电子显示屏。

    This paper analyzes the systemic working principle of the electronic display screen , which can show interest rate , calendar time and Chinese characters .

  10. 同样的,对于金融问题,我们可以在通常的时间(不妨称为日历时间)下进行研究,也完全可以在其他的时间(不妨称为经济时间)下进行研究。

    In similar reasons that we can use other time ( named economic time ) instead of the usual time ( named calendar time ) .

  11. 不管是基于交易时间进程,还是基于日历时间进程,股价的时间序列分析都是基于固定的时间进程来研究价格变化规律。

    Whether based on the calendar time hypothesis nor based on the trading time hypothesis , time series analysis of stock prices have a premise that price movement evolve on the fixed length time .

  12. 现在,真正重要的经济发展成果需要更长的时间才能够显现相对于日历时间,经济时间已经放慢下来但经济要素规划的时间周期却在缩短。

    The economic developments that really matter now take much longer to unfold – economic time has slowed down relative to calendar time – and yet the planning horizons of economic agents have shortened .

  13. 不光是时钟的时间和日历的时间更是生命的时间

    not just clock time and calendar time , but lifetime .

  14. 也是买一本新日历的时间。

    Henry : Yes , it is . It 's my calendar .

  15. 具有日历或时间测量特征,应用日历或时间测量,或与之有关。

    Relating to or characteristic of or used in a calendar or time measurement .

  16. 以日历或者时间长短来区分,季节效应又可分为周末效应、月份效应、假期效应等。

    According to the calendar or the length of time , the return seasonal effect includes weekend effect , monthly effect , holiday effect , and so on .

  17. 我仔细研究过日历(发现时间很紧)。

    I spent some time with the calendar .

  18. 然而,人们可能仅为选择一本合适的日历花费很多时间。

    Yet , it can take lot oftime just to choose the right one .

  19. 这些选项设置不影响日历的工作时间和非工作时间。

    These option settings have no effect on the working and nonworking times of calendars .

  20. 为了支持企业历史信息等与时间特征相关的建模,提出了包括日历对象、时间属性域类型、时间戳等在内的基本元模型。

    To support the modeling of time-related information such as historical information , an enterprise temporal modeling was proposed , involving calendar objects , time attribute domain types , and timestamps .

  21. 此外,这个工具还提供超过1000份精选的、可过滤的新员工适应内容,员工可保存到个人资料库或自动在日历中计划时间,供以后浏览。

    The tool also delivers more than 1,000 pieces of curated , filterable on-boarding content , which employees can save to a personal library or automatically schedule time in their calendar to view later .

  22. 从您的outlook日历输入非工作时间项。

    Transfer nonworking time entries from your outlook calendar .

  23. 它为双向式(BIDI),印度语,以及泰国语言提供了文化支持,比如多种日历,日期/时间格式以及复杂的文本设计。

    It provides cultural support such as multi-calendar , date / time format and complex text layout for bi-directional ( BIDI ), Indic , and Thai languages .

  24. 在这里,没有钟表,没有日历,更没有时间的概念。

    There are no clocks or calendars , no time .

  25. 按照日历约莫一周时间

    and in a week or so according to the calendar

  26. 默认情况下,资源日历中的工作时间设置与项目日历匹配。

    By default , the working time settings in the resource calendar match the project calendar .

  27. 简单地在“日历”中选定时间,创建约会,并选择要邀请的人。

    Simply select a time on your calendar , create an appointment , and select people to invite .

  28. 工作计划表描述工作时间的计划周期和对特殊日历期间的工作时间模板。

    A work schedule describes the planned duration of working time and the working time pattern for a specific calendar period .

  29. 当您创建会议请求时,“日历”计划网格仅显示日历选项“开始时间”和“结束时间”之间的时间。

    When you create a meeting request , the calendar scheduling grid will show only the times between your calendar options start time and end time .

  30. 如果不使用资源日历或任务日历,默认情况下,任务在项目日历的工作时间中排定日程。

    If resource calendars or task calendars are not used , tasks are scheduled during the working time on the project calendar by default .