
  • 网络Valery;Valerie;Valeri;Paul Valéry
  1. 瓦莱里,坐着别动,你象玩具跳偶似的上上下下没个停。

    Sit still , Valerie , you 're up and down like a jack-in-the-box .

  2. 嗨,你在这里干什么,瓦莱里?马丁,这是瓦莱丽?麦考密克。

    Hello ! What are you doing here , valerie ? Martin , this is Valerie mccormick .

  3. 一家叫“V”的杂志最近联系到了瓦莱里娅并证实了她的存在。

    And now V Magazine was able to catch up with her , confirming that she 's the real deal .

  4. 16岁的瓦莱里娅体重10英石(约为127斤),她随父母一起搬到了芝加哥。

    At 16 , and weighing 10st , Valeria moved to Chicago with her parents .

  5. 当时还有一位同学曾嘲讽过瓦莱里娅的身材,这更加坚定了她减肥的决心。

    When a classmate made a cruel comment about Valeria 's figure , she became even more determined to lose weight .

  6. 这就是为什么我要离开瓦莱里,离开美丽的阿尔卑斯和瑞士起司,做了一个旅行家的原因。

    And that was why I left Valer é and its beautiful views and its cheese fondue , and became a traveler .

  7. 如果你想起什么东西,我们或许能介绍你去找某个知道这些东西的人,瓦莱里说。

    If you can think of a subject , we can probably introduce you to someone who knows about it , she says .

  8. 世界上最瘦的女性瓦莱里娅-列维京讲述了她自己绝望又悲伤的故事:因为多年长期的极端节食减肥,她现在的体重只有大约4英石(约为51斤)。

    This is the desperately sad story of the thinnest woman in the world who weighs just four stone after years of extreme dieting .

  9. 现年39岁的瓦莱里娅对《太阳报》表示:我收到很多年轻女孩的来信,她们都想让我教她们如何才能变成我现在的身材。

    The 39-year-old told The Sun : ' I have received emails from young girls who want me to teach them how to be like me .

  10. 米兰帕尔梅拉斯门将迭戈。卡瓦莱里几乎确定将在今年夏天加盟一家欧洲俱乐部,据巴西媒体称,利物浦已经开始了与他的联系。

    Coveted Palmeiras goalkeeper Diego Cavalieri is almost certain to join a European club this summer , with Liverpool being touted as a possible destination by some sections of the Brazilian press .

  11. 瓦莱里非常小但景色美丽。四周雪峰环绕岩丘起伏,连绵的山岗上是成片的葡萄园、牧场,还有云杉和松木林。

    It is a quiet little place , yet it is very beautiful because it is surrounded by snowy mountains , rocky hills , vineyards , small cattle farms and of course , spruce and pine forests .

  12. 来自乌克兰的瓦莱里娅-露可安诺娃,她的样子让人觉得她并不属于这个现实世界。瓦莱里娅既是模特,又是歌手,她的小蛮腰和眼妆让人不敢相信自己的眼睛。

    Ukrainian native Valeria Lukyanova may not look like a real person , but with the help of a little eye makeup and a tiny waist the model / singer has been able to fool people the world over .

  13. 近日,“肯”遇到了23岁的乌克兰模特、整容成为“真人芭比的”瓦莱里娅·露可安诺娃,但两人一见面就开始打口水仗,互相攻击对方的妆容和整形手术。

    Recently " Ken " met with 23-year-old Valeria Lukyanova , a Ukrainian model who has turned herself into a living Barbie . But when they saw each other for the first time they immediately fell out and started a catty slanging match about make-up and cosmetic operations 。