
zhí xínɡ lìnɡ
  • warrant;mandamus
  1. 总统签署了死刑执行令。

    The President signed the death warrant .

  2. 作为一位哲学家,他用自己一贯的智慧与安详下达了自己死刑执行令。

    As a philosopher , he sealed his death warrant with his usual wit and serenity .

  3. 执行令授予官员执行判决的令状

    A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment .

  4. 有足够证据申请执行令吗?

    Or enough evidence to get a warrant for han ?

  5. 浅议执行令制度的建立

    On Establishment of Executive Writ System

  6. 死刑执行令不容上诉,预计这些罪犯将在几天内被处以绞刑。

    The warrants cannot be appealed , and the prisoners are expected to be hanged within days .

  7. 缺乏这种药物也让肯塔基州政府暂停了两个囚犯的死刑执行令。

    A lack of the drug also led Kentucky 's governor to put death warrants for two inmates on hold .

  8. 对于缺席的哈什米已经发布一纸死刑执行令而他表示这些指控是出于政治原因捏造的。

    A death warrant has been issued against Hashemi in absentia He says the charges are trumped up for political reasons .

  9. 在威斯康星州和印第安纳州的禁令被推翻以及延缓执行令颁布之前,有数百对同性情侣进行了婚姻登记。

    Hundreds of same sex couples were married in Wisconsin and Indiana after the bans were overturned and before stays were issued .

  10. 《执行令和审判地点法》是古老的判例法令状制度如指令、调取案卷令状和禁令等的直接结果,它在近代民事程序制度发展之前,起着作为司法审查行政行为的基础的作用。

    The act is a direct outgrowth of the old common law system of writs such as mandamus , certiorari , and prohibition , which served as the foundation for judicial review of administrative action before the modern system of civil procedure was developed .

  11. 美国总统乔·拜登批评美国南部两个州取消疫情相关限制措施的做法,称这些举行是“尼安德特人的思维”。得克萨州和密西西比州的共和党州长决定撤销口罩执行令和疫情相关的安全规定。

    U.S. President Joe Biden has criticized the lifting of pandemic-related curbs by two southern states , calling these actions " Neanderthal thinking . " The Republican governors in the states of Texas and Mississippi have decided to reverse mask mandates and other COVID-19 safety policies .

  12. 去年七月份,在Murray内华达州的家中以及事务所里执行搜查令后发现了一张2009年5月12日在拉斯维加斯一家药房购买异丙酚时留下的收据。

    A search warrant executed last July on Murray 's Las Vegas , Nevada , home and business turned up a receipt for propofol purchased on May12,2009 , from a Las Vegas pharmacy .

  13. 她担心这个禁烟令,也害怕不得不执行禁烟令。

    She dreads the ban and having to enforce it .

  14. 但是他们并没有立即执行逮捕令。

    But they did not execute the warrant immediately .

  15. 延迟执行收楼令的期间但是,他的判决却延期了。

    Stay of execution of the possession order However , he got his indictment deferred .

  16. 许多学生主张这本书应该被禁被烧,并执行追杀令。

    Many students argued that the book should be banned and burned and the fatwa upheld .

  17. 延迟执行收楼令的期间音乐会延期到下周举行。

    Stay of execution of the possession order The concert was held over till the following week .

  18. 之后对执行禁止令的手段提出了具体设想,包括采用电子科技、引入保证人等手段。

    After that , the author come up with different means to implement the prohibition order , including the use of electronic technology and the introduction of the guarantor .

  19. 双方寻求依赖双边司法协助协定执行没收令,尽可能避免采取单边执法行动。

    Both countries seek to rely on bilateral mutual legal assistance to implement forfeiture orders , and seek to avoid unilateral enforcement action of forfeiture orders to the extent possible .

  20. 对于苹果而言,这是一场重大的诉讼胜利,美国联邦上诉巡回法庭以多数票裁决,“公共利益强烈倾向于”对某些手机功能的使用“执行禁止令”。

    In a significant legal victory for the iPhone maker , a majority ruling by the US federal circuit court of appeals said that the " public interest strongly favours an injunction " on the use of certain phone features .

  21. 我方将尽全力来维持我方货物的品质,以达到贵方的特别要求。我方诚意地希望如果这次订单的执行结果令贵方满意,不久贵方会下进一步的订单给我方。

    We will do our best to maintain the good quality of our products , and will make the best effort to meet your special requirements . We sincerely hope that you will place further orders with us very soon if the execution of this order proves satisfactory to you .

  22. 渔猎监督官将为这个资金窘困的州执行捕鱼限制令。

    Game wardens will enforce the fishing restrictions for the cash-strapped state .

  23. 全美许多工作场合都已经执行了禁烟令。

    Many work places across the US have smoking bans in effect .

  24. 微软此前曾作出警告称,如果允许执行这次搜查令,那么就将开启全球隐私“不设防”。

    Microsoft had warned that allowing the search warrant to be conducted could open up a global privacy " free for all . "

  25. 在审判前执行的全国宵禁令仍没有取消。

    A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place .

  26. 列出了可执行命令外壳(令处理程序)路径。

    COMSPEC : Lists the path to the command shell executable .

  27. 第二,现在既然逮捕令已经发出了,如果巴希尔总统访华,中方是否将执行这样的逮捕令?

    Secondly , now the warrant is already approved , if President Bashir visits China , will China execute this warrant ?

  28. 不过,指望首席执行官们背负令资本主义更具包容性的所有责任,也不够公平。

    It is not , however , fair to expect chief executives to shoulder all the responsibility for making capitalism more inclusive .

  29. 警察和军队已部署在胡志明市周围,以执行这项居家令或封锁令,并帮助向民众提供食物和用品。

    Police and army troops have deployed around Ho Chi Minh City to enforce the stay-at-home order , or lockdown , and to help get food and supplies to the people .

  30. 被告声称他根据政府签发的契据取得该土地。而该契据是根据一项为执行员工败诉的法院判决而签发的执行令做出的。

    Defendant claimed to have acquired the premises under a sheriff 's deed made upon a sale of the property resulting from a judgment recovered against plaintiff in one of the circuit courts of the state .