
zhí xínɡ wěi yuán huì
  • Executive Committee
  1. 他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。

    He also served on the National Front 's national executive committee

  2. 他是管理劳埃德保险公司的执行委员会成员。

    He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds

  3. 一些执行委员会成员要求他辞职。

    Some executive members have called for his resignation .

  4. 由15名成员组成的国际奥委会执行委员会一致投票通过布里斯班作为唯一的候选城市,从而让布里斯班获得主办权变得毫无悬念。

    Brisbane 's victory looked a certainty after it was unanimously selected as the single candidate for 2032 by the IOC 's 15-strong executive board .

  5. 地点:India会议厅(执行委员会会议室左侧)

    Where : India Room ( to the left of the Executive Boardroom )

  6. (iv)选举大会执行委员会的委员;

    ( iv ) elect the members of the Executive Committee of the Assembly ;

  7. 杰克•华纳(JackWarner)已经在国际足联执行委员会工作了28年的时间。

    Jack Warner has served on Fifa 's executive committee for28 years .

  8. 公司执行委员会(CorporateExecutiveBoard)常务董事布莱恩•克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。

    Brian Kropp , a managing director at corporate executive board , says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries .

  9. 预期IMF执行委员会将在6月30日之前选出下任总裁。

    The IMF 's executive board is expected to choose its next director by June 30 .

  10. 智库新金融(NewFinancial)周一发布的另一份报告显示,在英国的金融服务公司,只有14%的执行委员会成员和23%的董事会董事是女性。

    In UK financial services companies , only 14 per cent of executive committee members are female , and 23 per cent of board directors , according to a separate report on Monday from think-tank New Financial .

  11. 本周二JavaCommunityProcess(JCP)程序管理办公室公布了2007年JCP执行委员会(EC)最后选举结果。

    Java Community Process ( JCP ) Program Management Office announced the final results of2007 JCP executive committee ( EC ) elections on Tuesday .

  12. FIFA执行委员会的成员聚集在苏黎世,是为批准一系列改革措施。

    Members of FIFA 's executive committee were meeting in Zurich to approve a set of reform measures .

  13. 去年欧盟执行委员会征求公众对RFID的评论,委员会表示结果是“公众极度缺少认识和关心”。

    The EU executive 's call for public comments on RFID last year unearthed " a strong lack of awareness and considerable concern among citizens ," the Commission said .

  14. 该组织还对亚丁参加这次会议表示谴责。他们认为亚丁去参加这次会谈并没有收到索马里议会或执行委员会的命令。1.attendancen.出席次数;出席;参加;

    The group also blasted the attendance of Aden , arguing he had no mandate from either the Somali parliament or executive to attend the talks .

  15. 根据管理咨询公司奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)的报告《金融服务业的妇女》(WomeninFinancialServices),从全球来说,妇女只占了金融服务业董事会的五分之一和执行委员会的16%。

    Globally , women make up only one-fifth of boards and 16 per cent of executive committees in financial services , according to management consulting firm Oliver Wyman 's Women in Financial Services report .

  16. 计划书中解释说,在FIFA执行委员会代表来自的24个国家中,足球之梦正在其中的五个国家运营。

    Of the 24 nations with delegates on the FIFA executive committee , five were countries in which Aspire Football Dreams was operating , the proposal explained .

  17. 为了收集和完善与COPD疾病经济负担相关的资料,《慢性阻塞性肺疾病全球倡议(GOLD)》执行委员会从2002年开始筹划在全球范围内进行COPD的负担研究。

    In order to collect and perfect related data about economic burden of COPD , " Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Global Initiative " ( GOLD ) executive committee is planning on global burden of COPD research .

  18. 他们害怕再次失败,国际奥委会执行委员会成员丹尼斯•奥斯瓦德(DenisOswald)回忆道。

    They were afraid of losing a second time , recalls Denis Oswald , an executive board member of the IOC .

  19. 咨询公司组织执行委员会(CorporateExecutiveBoard)的迈克尔格里芬(MichaelGriffin)表示,许多制造商正在对自己的工厂进行压力测试,并考虑再次采取2008年衰退中采取过的措施,以稳定企业的财务状况。

    Michael Griffin of the Corporate Executive Board , a consultancy , said manufacturers were stress testing their plants and thinking about the same measures to stabilise their financial positions that they took in the downturn in 2008 .

  20. 即将到来的投票将决定新提议的OpenJDK路线图是否能被JCP执行委员会接受。

    An upcoming vote will determine whether the new proposed OpenJDK roadmap is accepted by the JCP executive committee .

  21. 近日,JCP执行委员会新成员选举结果在一片争议声中揭晓:Hologic未获通过。

    The results have been announced from the JCP Executive Committee election , with Hologic failing to be ratified .

  22. 作为希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的支持者,Box公司的列维本周加入了两党政策集团TechNet的执行委员会,他认为应该与新政府进行接触。

    Mr. Levie , of Box , a Hillary Clinton supporter who this week joined the executive council of the bipartisan policy group TechNet , believes in engagement with the new administration .

  23. 但直到上月还是阳狮执行委员会委员的约翰法雷尔(JohnFarrell)表示,如果控股公司想提高自身的效率,它们就必须实施比装传真更深刻的技术改革。

    But technological improvements more profound than binning the fax are required if holding companies are to increase their efficiency , says John Farrell , until last month a member of Publicis ' executive committee .

  24. 有些Oracle代表也指出JCP变革不仅在执行委员会的讨论之下,但他们相信对于此提议,社区会很高兴。

    Some Oracle reps have also hinted not only that JCP reform is under discussion with the executive committee , but that they believe the community will be pleased with the resulting proposal .

  25. 由于有这样关键性的参与,我很高兴地宣布,Anders和我在本月晚些时候都将向执行委员会作出报告。

    Given this key engagement , I am pleased to announce that Anders and I will both be reporting to the Executive Board later this month .

  26. 制定重大战略决策的责任应从执行委员会转移,委托给一个更有代表性、拥有高度政治权的委员会,它将与其它机构一起取代只有咨询职能的imf委员会。

    Responsibility for major strategic decisions should be removed from the executive board and entrusted to a more representative and politically high-powered Council that , inter Alia , would replace the IMF Committee , which has only a consultative role .

  27. 埃克特的结论源于美国前检察官迈克尔•J•加西亚(MichaelJ.Garcia)的一份调查报告。加西亚对国际足联执行委员会在2010年12月选择2018年和2022年东道主的投票所引发的腐败指控进行了调查。

    Mr Eckert 's conclusions stem from an investigation by former US attorney Michael J. Garcia into corruption claims surrounding the vote by Fifa 's executive committee in December 2010 to choose the 2018 and 2022 hosts .

  28. StephenColebourne曾提出,在即将到来的JCP投票中,将会看出对Oracle-IBM决策,执行委员会成员的立场。

    Stephen Colebourne has proposed that the upcoming JCP vote could be a measure of where executive committee members stand on the Oracle-IBM decision .

  29. 简单看一看美国,我们就会发现,女性在《财富》美国500强企业的执行委员会里只占14%,在国会中的比例仅为17%。创始人或CEO是女性的企业,只占风投资助的全部美国企业的11%。

    If we quickly look at just the United States , we know that women make up 14 % of Fortune 500 Executive Committees , 17 % of Congress , and 11 % of CEO / founder positions of U.S. firms backed by venture capital .

  30. 欧洲央行(ECB)执行委员会一名成员日前承诺,欧洲央行会提供紧急援助以稳定市场,要多久就多久。不过,欧洲央行认为,在很大程度上只有市场才能结束目前的紧张情绪。

    Emergency help to calm markets will be provided for as long as necessary by the European Central Bank , a member of its executive board has pledged , even though the bank believes only markets can end much of the nervousness .