
zhí xínɡ zhú tǐ
  • subject of execution
  1. 迁移实例以移动Agent为范型构建,是迁移工作流的执行主体。

    The migrating instance is constructed by the paradigm of the mobile Agent and is the execution entity of the migrating workflow .

  2. 公共政策目标的实现有赖于政策执行主体的有效执行。

    To achieve the policy goals depend on efficient policy behavior .

  3. 政策失真与政策执行主体优化机制的建构

    Distortion of Policy and the Optimizing mechanism of the Principal Part

  4. 论行政强制执行主体的理念与实践

    On the Idea and Practice of Administrative Compulsory Enforcement Subject

  5. 第二,政策执行主体的原因。

    Second , the reason of policy executive main body .

  6. 第四部分:缓刑社区矫正执行主体的完善。

    The fourth part : Community Correction subjects executed the improvement of probation .

  7. 政策的执行主体将如何应对这些变革?

    How do firms respond to the new policies ?

  8. 第四部分:变更、追加被执行主体程序问题现行法律规定存在的缺陷及其立法建议。

    Legal process defects of changing or supplementing executed object and legislative suggestion .

  9. 科技资源配置主体分为执行主体和调控管理主体。

    The actors of it include executive actor and regulation and management actor .

  10. 行政强制执行主体模式比较关于执行文化的对话

    Comparison between Subject Patterns of Administrative Mandatory Execution

  11. 从宏观上来看,新课改的推进需要决策主体与执行主体的共同努力。

    The advance of new curriculum needs the joint efforts of decision-making and execution .

  12. 第一部分为行政强制执行主体的界定。

    The first part was about the definition of subject of administrative compulsory execution .

  13. 作为理论基础,本部分主要从执行主体出发。

    As the theoretical basis , this part mainly plugs from the main executive body .

  14. 因此,对刑事执行主体配置问题必须认真研究和妥善解决,并予以完善。

    So , we should study and solve the equipment of the bodies of criminal execution .

  15. 高效、专业的组织机构是远程高等教育质量保证活动的执行主体。

    Efficient and professional organizations are the executive agents of distance higher education quality assurance activities .

  16. 当代中国公共政策执行主体的偏差行为:表现、原因及对策

    Contemporary Deviation Behaviors of Execution Subject of Public Policy in China : Representation , Reasons and Countermeasures

  17. 公共政策执行主体是影响公共政策有效执行的关键因素。

    The execution subject of public policy is the key aspect factor influencing public policy effective execution .

  18. 刑事执行主体是指依照法律规定执行刑罚的有关国家机关。

    The bodies of criminal execution is the country 's bodies that execute penalty according to laws .

  19. 因此,有必要对行政强制执行主体作为一个课题进行单独研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to enforce the administrative body as a separate subject of study .

  20. 在这一部分,笔者从罚金刑的执行主体和执行方式两个方面分别加以研究。

    In this part , the author has made a study about executive body and executive mode of fine .

  21. 因此,行政强制执行主体无论是在行政管理活动还是在法律上,都是一个重要的组成部分。

    Therefore , the main administrative enforcement activities , whether in administration or a law , is an important part .

  22. 其中执行主体是核心因素,执行环境是关键根基,执行机制是必要条件。

    One of the principal is a core element , the environment is the key and the mechanism is necessary .

  23. 正是由于公共政策执行主体在公共政策执行中的种种偏差行为导致了公共政策执行不能达到预期效果。

    It is the deviation behaviors of the execution subject that result in execution can 't achieve the anticipated effects .

  24. 政策执行主体、政策目标群体的相关行为也影响政策的合理制定和有效执行。

    The behavior of the policy executors and policy target group also have great impacts on the policy making and implementation .

  25. 政策执行主体的利益驱动和政策执行机制的缺陷是政策规避产生的重要原因。

    The benefit of the mainstay and the defect of the mechanism in implementing policies are the important cause of policy escapism .

  26. 这其中,既有公共政策解决问题的因素,也有公共政策本身的因素,还有政策环境、政策资源、政策执行主体等各方面的因素。

    Some of the factors are due to public policy itself , policy environment , policy resource , and policy implementation subjects .

  27. 学术权力的内涵,重要的不是从其管理内容来看,而是从其执行主体来看。

    To learn the connotation of academic power , it is more important from its executor than from its scope of management .

  28. 也正因为如此,正确确定被执行主体就成了案件执行的一个关键。

    Consequently , to fix the party subject to execution correctly can possibly be a key to the execution of the case .

  29. 微观层次上,企业是实施清洁生产的最终动力和执行主体;

    Government is crucial in proposing and assuring the mechanism for the cleaner production , and enterprises and consumers are crucial in the implementation .

  30. 从公共政策执行主体角度思考,公共政策执行偏差主要源于公共政策执行主体“理性逐利”的结果。

    In the view of the implementators , the deviation of public policy implementation results from the rationally persuing the profits of the implementators .