
  • 网络ruling style
  1. 执政方式是党如何执政的中心问题。

    Ruling style is the central problem of how the party governs .

  2. 新时期党转变执政方式的理论考察

    Theory Observance of Ruling Style Transformation of CPC

  3. 论党的领导方式和党的执政方式

    On the Relation of Modes of Leadership & Power-in-office of CPC

  4. 把坚持和改善党的领导作为执政方式;

    His ruling manner is to improve the leadership of the Party ;

  5. 但是自民党目前的执政方式正日薄西山。

    Yet LDP rule in its present form is in terminal decline .

  6. 论改革和完善党的执政方式

    On Reforming and Improving the Party 's Governing Style

  7. 论党的领导方式执政方式的改革与创新

    Reform And Innovation About The Way Of Leadership And In Power For CPC

  8. 论实现党的执政方式现代化

    On Realization of Modernization of Party 's Governing Method

  9. 政治领导层对党的执政方式的影响

    The Influence of Different Leading Departments of CCP on Their Style of Governance

  10. 美国不会把我们自己的执政方式强加在不愿意接受它的国家身上。

    America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling .

  11. 关于苏共执政方式转换失败的思考

    Reflection on the Failure of the Transformation of the Soviet Communist Ruling Mode

  12. 关于改进党的领导方式和执政方式的思考

    The Thought of Improving the Leadership Manner and the Reign Manner of the Communist

  13. 改善执政方式就要对其进行法治化设计,坚持依法执政。

    It should persevere in ruling by law .

  14. 现行执政方式的特点及改革思路

    The Characteristics of Current Ruling Style of the Party and Way of Its Reform

  15. 坚持科学发展观改革完善党的执政方式

    Adhere to the Scientific Development View The Reform Perfects the Ruling Style of Party

  16. 既使是相同的政党制度,其执政方式也是有差别的。

    Since there is a same party system , the styles also have the difference .

  17. 执政方式与执政能力建设探析

    Building of Ruling Pattern and Ruling Ability

  18. 建设学习型政党是完善党的执政方式的关键

    To Construct a Learning Party is the Key of Perfecting Reigning Fashion of the Party

  19. 论改进党的执政方式

    Improving the Administrative Style of the Party

  20. 改进执政方式,在完善制度体系上提高党的执政能力。

    Ameliorating administrative methods and perfecting system .

  21. 中国现代化建设急切呼唤社会主义政治文明建设,而改进党的执政方式是建设社会主义政治文明的关键所在。

    Changing the Party 's way of governance is critical to socialist political civilization 's establishing .

  22. 论党的执政方式向依法治国的根本性转变

    On the Fundamental Transition of the Party 's Mode of Governing towards Rule of the Law

  23. 第二,对党的执政方式的概念进行了界定,并分析了党的执政方式在政治文明建设中的地位。

    ( A ) The Party 's style of government reading from the perspective of political civilization .

  24. 政府积极推动执政方式由管理型向服务型转变,政府网络发言人的出现正是这种转变的一个表现。

    The government is actively promoting the change of ruling style from management-oriented government to service-oriented one .

  25. 执政方式是与现代政党相联系的现象。

    The Party 's style of governance is a phenomenon that has close relation to modern party .

  26. 党的执政方式法治化与构建和谐社会的关联

    The party 's Ruling Means of Ruled by Law and the Association with the Construction of Harmonious Society

  27. 有助于推动转变党的执政方式和加强党的自身建设,进而提高党的执政能力。

    It will help promote the transformation of the Party governance and raise the governing capacity of the CPC .

  28. 传统的领导方式和执政方式已不适应和谐社会建设的需要。

    The traditional way of leading and administrating can no long satisfy the need of constructing a harmonious society .

  29. 改革主要依靠党的政策执政方式,实现主要依靠法律执政;

    Changes the administer style mainly dependent on the CPC s policy , realizes the one mainly on laws ;

  30. 本文采用历史比较法、横向比较法和文献法分四个部分对两党的执政方式进行了分析和比较。

    The article style adopts historical comparison method , transverses direction comparison method and document method from four parts .