
  • 网络EVENT LOG;Events;event logging;eventlog;event record
  1. 它在运行中搜索到了我们,并向我的手机发出警报,并在系统的事件记录中列出了我们的无线电干扰。

    It caught us in the act , sent an alert to my smartphone , and also listed our RF interference on the system 's event log .

  2. 同时还可用事件记录和跳闸日志消息。

    Event log and trip log messages are also available .

  3. 利用事件记录在基于Web的群组编辑系统中实现会议记录

    Session Recording Based on the Event Logging Realized in the Web Group Edit

  4. 用PLC的可编程模件实现事件记录的功能

    PLC-programmable coprocessor module used to perform the function of an event recorder

  5. 在这篇文章中,我使用PHP将给定页面中的事件记录提取为XML格式。

    In this article , I use PHP to extract the event records from a given page into an XML format .

  6. 类似的一个确认是发生在当事件记录进入Closed状态的时候,因为质量保证小组可能创建一个新的工作请求来跟踪他们工作进度。

    A similar validation happens when the incident record is being moved into the Closed state since the Quality Assurance team may create a new work request to track their work effort .

  7. BIN模式:将审核事件记录到两个交换使用的临时BIN文件中,然后将它们追加到一个审核跟踪文件中。

    BIN mode : Records the audit events to two alternating temporary BIN files , and then appends them to a single audit trail file .

  8. 当一个事件记录进入了Slotted状态,那么它一定跟软件发布记录是相关联的。

    When an Incident record is moving into the Slotted state it must be associated with a Software Release record .

  9. 通过观察ERC中的DDM事件记录,可以识别(在某些情况下,甚至是预测)系统的Domino事件。

    By viewing DDM events recorded in the ERC , you can identify ( and in some cases , even predict ) systemic Domino events .

  10. 在分析广州蓄能水电厂一期机组事件记录(EventLog)信息系统和原P4口信息系统不足的基础上,提出对P4口信息系统进行开发改造。

    Based on the analysis of the insufficiency of the Event Log information system and the former P4 port information system it is suggested that the P4 port information system be reformed .

  11. 如果设置了BLOCKED,则在事件记录从缓冲区空间移动到表/文件时(即缓冲区空间已满时),生成事件的每个代理都会等待移动完成。

    If BLOCKED is set , when event records are moved from the buffer space to tables / files ( buffer space is full ), each agent that generates an event waits for the move to be finished .

  12. 此外,DVR-2000B还具有故障滤波、事件记录、系统自检及智能调制等辅助功能。

    Besides , DVR-2000B also has some auxiliary functions such as fault wave recording , event looking back , system self checking , intelligent debugging etc.

  13. 从展示到纪录(4)电池运行事件记录;

    From Record to Documentation ( 4 ) accident record ;

  14. 柴达木盆地沙漠沉积中的新仙女木事件记录

    The record of Younger Dryas event in eolian sand deposit in Qaidam Basin

  15. 基于事件记录的塞拉门故障诊断方法

    A Method for Fault Diagnosis of Sliding Plug Door Based on Events Recording Technology

  16. “超出磁盘配额限制时将事件记录到日志中”

    " Log event when quota limit exceeded "

  17. 更改传真事件记录等级设置。

    Change the logging levels for fax events .

  18. 没有选择事件记录,或不能获得所选记录的详细信息。

    No event record is selected , or details for the selected record are unavailable .

  19. 更改事件记录在存储库中(并参与常规的存储库事务)。

    Change events are recorded in the repository ( and participate in regular repository transactions ) .

  20. 添加注释到事件记录

    Add Comment to Event Log

  21. 你也可以利用这个线程来执行其它任务,比如事件记录。

    You may also choose to use this thread for performing other tasks such as event logging .

  22. 调试器事件记录属性

    Debugger Event Log Properties

  23. 在缓冲区空间充满时,事件记录随之移入事件表或文件。

    When the buffer space is full , the event records are then moved to the event tables or files .

  24. 能够实现分时段计量、电表编程与远程抄表、事件记录等功能。

    It aimed to achieve a time measurement , meter programming and remote copy tables , recording events and features .

  25. 该系统主要包括线路保护的运行监控、故障报告和事件记录文件的上传保存和故障记录数据的分析等功能。

    Its functions include run-time monitoring , upward transmission and store of fault reports and event records , fault data analysis , etc.

  26. 软件能够实现与现场单元之间的通信及通信状态的监测、对现场单元的四遥操作、事件记录的查看等。

    It can communicate with field units , monitor the communication status , realise the four remote function , and display event log .

  27. 为了减少表插入或者文件写入操作的开销,事件记录首先将写入一个缓冲区空间。

    In order to reduce the overhead of table inserting or file writing , the event records are first written to a buffer space .

  28. 这是目前在我国所发现的最低层位碳酸盐岩振动液化地震事件记录。

    Actually , it is the earliest record of the seismic event caused by vibrational liquefaction in carbonate rocks found in China up to date .

  29. 既然软件发布记录、事件记录和工作请求记录是相互关联的,那么系统在两个方面可以做一些确认。

    Since the Software Release record , the Incident record and the Work Request record are all related there are a couple of points where the system does some validation .

  30. 正如上图的描述所示,事件记录是将事件概念(缺陷)、事件决议(缺陷修复)和发布跟踪联系在一起的激活器。

    As the illustration depicts above , the Incident record is the enabler which ties the concepts of incidents ( defect ), incident resolution ( defect fix ) resolution and issue tracking together .