
  1. 研究了轿车正面碰撞事故车内乘员的运动学和动力学响应过程,分析了与人体伤害部位相关的动力学参数及乘员头部伤害指标HIC值、胸部3ms内的加速度等伤害指标。

    Car occupant kinematics and dynamics response in vehicle frontal impact were studyed , the kinetic parameters relating to human injury severity and occupant head injury index HIC , value of chest acceleration in 3 ms , etc , were analyzed .

  2. 出事故车的司机当时烂醉如泥、神志不清。

    The driver of the wrecked car was dead drunk .

  3. 乙方租用的车辆发生各类机件故障、事故车修复,必须到甲方指定的修理厂进行修理,不得自行送外厂修理。

    In case of vehicle damage , Party B shall have the vehicle repaired at the place designated by Party A.

  4. 当采用不同的换道规则以及事故车出现在不同的车道时,不同车道上的基本图呈现出不同的特点。

    And the fundamental diagrams for the different lanes exhibit different properties when the different lane changing rules are adopted and the accident car appears on the different lanes .

  5. 对碰撞后事故车的滑转过程及等效附着系数作了说明,最后用自编的简化电脑程序计算了实际的事故案例。编制了计算程序。

    Slide and rotation process of car accident after collision and equivalent adhesion coefficient are illustrated . Finally a practical accident example is calculated by simplified computer program compiled by the authors .

  6. 对于汽车企业而言,品牌的建立是品牌二手车运作的基础,品牌设计中应充分考虑客户需求,回应客户对事故车和质保的需求。

    For automobile enterprises , brand building is the foundation of brand-used-car operation , brand design should take full account of the customer needs to respond to customer demand for non-accident car and warranty .

  7. 1996年巴黎警方着手调查一起深夜飞车相撞事故两车的司机都当场死亡。

    In 1996 , Paris police set out to investigate a late night , high speed car crash , both drivers had been killed instantly .

  8. 加利福尼亚州南部昨天下午发生一起旅游车交通事故,车上28名乘客全部受伤,其中8人受重伤,该巴士在撞到公路护栏时车身遭到严重撞击。

    A tour bus crashed in southern California injured all 28 people on board , 8 of them critically . The bus had a median smash through a wall then came to a stop well in someone 's yard .

  9. 线性模型下高速公路交通事故和干涉车流波模拟理论研究

    Expressway Incident and Intervention Traffic Flow Wave Simulation Theory on Linear Modelling

  10. 道路交通事故人-车-道路环境系统分析

    Buying a Car Analyzing the Man-vehicles-Highway System because of the Road Traffic

  11. 约翰在事故中把车撞凹了。

    John dented up the car in an accident .

  12. 道路交通事故中两车相对碰撞速度的分类计算

    Classified Calculation of Opposite Collision Speed in Two-vehicle Accident

  13. 但是事故发生时车上有15名儿童。

    There were 15 children in it at the time of the crash .

  14. 高速公路上发生一起交通事故,导致车上两人死亡。

    There is a traffic accident on the motorway and two people are killed .

  15. 问题是上星期我出了点交通事故我的车被另一辆车撞上了。

    The thing is I was in a bit of an accident last week_got bashed by anther car .

  16. 在交通事故中,车外人员如行人、骑车人等更易受到伤害。

    In traffic accidents , people outside the car , such as pedestrians , cyclists and others , are more vulnerable .

  17. 该机构的副主管朱莉-汤森说,在发生交通事故时,车里有孩子的车贴对提醒应急服务人员事故中可能有孩子受伤来说非常有用。

    Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said ' Baby On Board ' signs are useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in the event of a crash .

  18. 调车事故是铁路车务站段多发性行车事故,它造成设备损坏、财产损失,干扰铁路正常的运输生产秩序,有时还危及调车人员的人身安全,具有较大的危害性。

    Shunting accident was Railway Train Station section of multiple traffic accidents , which resulted in damage to equipment , property damage , interfere with the normal railway transport production order , and in some cases , shunting endanger the safety of personnel , greater harm .

  19. 最常见的事故是多车追尾相撞,并同时伴有起火、爆炸,这种事故多发生在交通量较大、车速较高、天气恶劣(雨、雪、雾)等情况下,而驾驶员的原因占主导地位。

    The most common accident is a multi-car rear-ends collision accompanied by fire and explosion . Such accidents often occur in the larger volume of traffic , higher speed , bad weather ( rain , snow and fog ), etc. But driving members are the dominant causes .

  20. 事故给两辆车造成的损害很小。

    The accident did very little damage to either car .

  21. 新宿附近出了点事故,所有的车都晚点了。

    There was an accident near Shinjuku and all the trains were delayed .

  22. 本文作者报告陆上交通意外尸体剖验37例。事故类型分路人车撞、汽车相撞、汽车撞静物及摩托车事故四种。

    The autopsy findings of 37 cases of road traffic accident are reported .

  23. 我怀疑事故的产生和车的制动器有关。

    My suspicion is that the brake had something to do with the accident .

  24. 找破损跟事故相匹配的车。

    For vehicles with damage matching this incident .

  25. 交通事故是人、车、路和环境动态系统失调的结果。

    It results from the incorporation among human factors , vehicles , roadway and environment .

  26. 看到事故对自己的车造成的损坏,他十分心痛。

    He was greatly distressed to see the damage that the accident had done to his car .

  27. 女:所以今天的事故对你的车所造成的的损失你不用出钱。

    W : So you won 't have to pay for the damages to your car from the accident today .

  28. 这让警察很担心会造成后续的交通事故——或许其他车的后视镜会剐到这辆车的尾部。

    Let the cop worry about the potential traffic hazard . Maybe some other car will tweak his backside with a mirror .

  29. 那起事故的起因是车上的摄像头未能在明亮天空的背景下识别一辆白色卡车的侧面。

    The accident followed the failure of the car 's camera to identify the side of a white truck against a bright sky .

  30. 尽管当前的安全法规要求由人来监控无人驾驶汽车的运行、在必要时出手干预以避免事故,这辆车基本是自动驾驶的。

    While current safety rules require a human to monitor the vehicle 's performance and step in to avoid crashes , the pod largely drives itself .