
  • 网络fact database;Factual Database
  1. 该子系统以18种典型的葡萄病害作为研究对象,设计了葡萄知识库和事实数据库,利用RBF神经网络模型设计和构建了葡萄病害诊断神经网络知识库和推理机。

    This subsystem took eighteen typical grape diseases as the research object , designed the grape knowledge base and factual database . With the RBF artificial neural network model , designed the diseases diagnostic knowledge database and inference engine .

  2. 针对包刷分拣机故障诊断的实践,讨论了在VC++语言开发环境下,用ODBC方式实现基于知识库和基本事实数据库的故障诊断专家系统方案。

    This paper discusses scheme of fault diagnosis expert system of sorting machine for parcels and printed matters based on knowledge database and basic facts database by ODBC methods , with VC + + as developing language .

  3. 对修订《全国高校图书馆事实数据库》的建议

    Suggestions on the Improvement of the Database of Facts on Academic Libraries in China

  4. 高校图书馆事实数据库与图书馆自我评估体系图书馆馆藏数据中存在的问题及对策

    The Facts Database of University Library and the Library Self-Evaluation System Problems Existed in Library Collection Data and Its Countermeasures

  5. 分析《全国高校图书馆事实数据库》的数据质量在完整性、准确性和合理性方面存在的问题,提出进一步改进的具体意见。

    This paper analyzes the potential defects of the Database of Facts on Academic Libraries in China on accuracy , integration and organizational rationality in the standards design , and puts forward some suggestions on their improvement .

  6. 通过工效学事实数据库与三维人体动态模型相结合,实现信息查询与设计分析一体化,从而将载人航天的科技信息服务技术提高到一个新的水平。

    Integration of search with analysis of space ergonomic information was achieved by means of combining space ergonomic database with the dynamic 3 D human body model , so that scientific and technological information service for manned spaceflight may be improved to a new level .

  7. 本文是笔者用CDS软件建立专业综合事实型数据库的实践总结。

    This is summary in the practice of creating the professional and comprehensive factual database by means of CDS software .

  8. 无论何处的DBA都了解这样一个事实:数据库响应速度越快,用户查询就会变得越多。

    DBAs everywhere know the score : the more responsive the database , the more ambitious user queries become .

  9. 网络信息资源日益丰富,为事实型数据库的建立创造了良好条件.不到一年时间,通过参考馆员的搜集、整理工作,我馆信息参考数据库已快速完成基本框架的构建。

    Network information resources provide good conditions for creating the Fact Type Database .

  10. 本文提出,应从建设面向科技战略和科技管理服务的事实型数据库、开发专用的方法和工具、充分利用专家的智慧等三个方面提升科技情报研究水平。

    This paper introduces how the hospital library to integrate the clinical fact data by using XML and Java technologies , which provides a uniform retrieval platform for the users .

  11. 这可能要归结于这一事实:原始数据库和PostgreSQL这两者均支持序列,因此主键生成策略保持完好。

    This can be attributed to the fact that both the original database and PostgreSQL support sequences , so the primary key generation strategy stayed intact .

  12. 重点突出了演绎数据库的基本结构,它由存储事实的外延数据库、存储规则的内涵数据库和推理机构所组成,在功能上三者缺一不可。

    Deductive database consists of external database that stores the facts and internal database that stores the rules and the deductive configure , it doesn 't work without each other .

  13. 事实证明分布式数据库系统能够满足企业分散结构的需要,对企业提高工作效率,创造更高的价值奠定了坚实的基础。

    It can be believed that the distributed database can satisfy the needs of the separated corporation structure , be a substantial basis to improve the efficiency of the work and create more profit .

  14. 更正了技术错误,并阐明以下事实:当存在数据库快照时,不能使文件组在线。

    Corrected technical error to clarify that you cannot bring a filegroup online when a database snapshot exists .