
  • event processing;【计】event handling
  1. 基于Java的可复用事件处理设计与实现

    Design and implementation of reusable event handling based on Java

  2. 返回false继续正常的事件处理。

    Returning false continues the normal event handling .

  3. 而此过程本身可以作为WebSphereBusinessEvents事件处理的结果被直接调用。

    The process itself would be invoked directly as a result of the WebSphere Business Events event processing .

  4. RFID中间件实时事件处理机制的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Event Handling of RFID Middleware

  5. 面向RFID系统的复杂事件处理机制与方法

    Mechanism and Method for Handling Complex Event in RFID System

  6. 本文向您介绍了业务事件处理和WebSphereBusinessEvents,包括其核心概念和工具。

    This article introduced you to business event processing and WebSphere Business Events , including its core concepts and tools .

  7. 不可靠RFID数据上的复杂事件处理研究

    Complex event processing over unreliable RFID data streams

  8. 第1部分介绍了使用WebSphere®ProcessServer中的事件处理程序来设计一个业务流程的取消功能。

    Part 1 introduces a method to design the cancellation function for the business process with the event handler in WebSphere ® Process Server .

  9. 此体系结构将事件处理服务与SOA信息访问和分布体系结构[5]合并在一起。

    This architecture merges event processing services with the SOA information access and distribution architecture [ 5 ] .

  10. Intermediate对象是代表那些被用于构建事件处理逻辑的业务对象。

    Intermediate objects are representations of business objects that are used by the person constructing the event processing logic .

  11. 如果一个组件的即时事件处理属性的确被设置为true,那么这些值就会被转换为适当的类型,并进行有效性验证。

    If a component 's immediate event handling property is set to true , the values are converted to the proper type and validated .

  12. views:一个简单的UI开发框架,提供渲染,布局和事件处理。

    Views : A simple framework for doing UI development , providing rendering , layout and event handling .

  13. XForms采用XMLEvents标准为特定文档元素增加事件处理程序。

    XForms uses the XML Events standard to attach event handlers to specific elements in a document .

  14. 最后并且也是最长的是&list事件处理程序,它将处理一个或多个bucket。

    Last and longest , the & list handler will handle a single bucket or multiples .

  15. 您只需在实现组件的客户端事件处理程序时编写JavaScript代码。

    You only need to write JavaScript code if you want to implement the components'client-side event handlers .

  16. Dojo已将一个函数附加到ID为message的元素的click事件处理程序上了。

    Dojo has attached a function to the click event handler of the element with the ID " message " .

  17. 任何可能妨碍或拖延UI事件处理的任务,应该存在于一个工作线程。

    Anything that might interfere with or delay UI event handling should exist in a worker thread .

  18. 如果您使用过Swing中的事件处理程序,则应该对适配器模式有一定的了解。

    If you 've ever used event handlers in Swing , you have intimate knowledge of the Adaptor pattern .

  19. 以数据为中心的方法首先将RFID数据存入数据库,然后在数据库的基础上支持事件处理。

    Data-centered model stores RFID data in the database firstly , and then supports event processing based on the database .

  20. 另一种方法是编写一个方法,将该方法嵌入在对象的标记声明中,并将事件处理程序赋给那个方法的event属性。

    Another approach is to write a method nested in the tag declaration of an object and assign the event handler to the event attribute of that method .

  21. 事件处理&定制的事件处理器实现了核心应用逻辑,并整合了ILOGJRules和ContentManager。

    Event handling & The custom event handler implements the core application logic and integrates ILOG JRules with Content Manager .

  22. 即使您能够克服这个问题,并将特定的客户端save()活动绑定到事件处理程序的特定触发器中,您仍然还需要解决另一个问题。

    Even if you could overcome that and somehow tie specific client save () activities to the specific firings of the event handler , there is a second problem .

  23. 目前,主要有两种不同的RFID事件处理模型,一种以数据为中心,另一种以事件为中心。

    At present , there are mainly two different RFID event processing models , one is data-centered model , another is event-centered model .

  24. 向不是事件处理程序的委托的名称添加callback后缀。

    Do add the suffix callback to the name of a delegate that is not an event handler .

  25. JSF程序生命周期的5个阶段如下(注意每个阶段的事件处理)

    The six phases of the JSF application lifecycle are as follows ( note the event processing at each phase )

  26. 如事件处理和生成一节中所述,HTML表单小部件为每个输入字段动态创建接收事件。

    As explained in the Event handling and generation section , the HTML form widget dynamically creates receive events for each of the input form fields .

  27. 不同的是事件处理程序中的Timeout独立于其他流程工作。

    The difference is that a timeout in an event handler works independently of the rest of the process .

  28. 以下过程包括创建一个windows窗体项目,向窗体中添加一个控件,为控件添加事件处理,最后生成并测试应用程序。

    The following procedures include creating a Windows Forms project , adding a control to the form , adding event handling for the control , and finally building and testing the application .

  29. 利用FACADE设计模式实现了系统的事件处理接口,降低了子系统之间访问的复杂性,提高了访问的可靠性。

    Third , FACADE design pattern was adopted for event interface to decrease complexity and enhance reliability in subsystem calls .

  30. HA管理模块主要完成对HA系统的数据同步控制、HA事件处理和主备系统切换,该模块被设计为事件驱动的形式。

    The HA management module was in charge of data synchronization , HA event handle and system takeover . This module was designed as event driven mode .