
  • 网络love poems
  1. 并且,在叶芝的爱情诗歌中,这两种女性从来没有发出自己的声音。

    And their voices are not heard in the love poems .

  2. 英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩爱情诗歌中的意象群赏析

    Appreciation of the Conceits in the Love Poems of Metaphysical Poet John Donne

  3. 中英古代爱情诗歌浅析

    Analysis of the Classical Love Poetry of China and England

  4. 他的诗歌创作内容丰富,形式多样,其中爱情诗歌占了诗人现存诗歌总量的五分之一左右。

    The content of his poems is abundant and the forms diverse .

  5. 中学爱情诗歌的教学,具有人格建造功能。

    The middle school love poetry teaching , has the personality construction function .

  6. 禁欲文学的变声&论闻捷爱情诗歌的美学高度

    Modified Tone of the Mortification Literature & Discuss the love poem of Wenjie

  7. 中国与斯里兰卡爱情诗歌的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Chinese and Sri Lankan Love Poems

  8. 论唐代爱情诗歌

    Research of Love Poetry in Chiness Tang Dynasty

  9. 梦幻之美&席慕蓉爱情诗歌的艺术魅力

    The Beauty of Dreams & The Art Power of Love Poems by XI Mu-rong

  10. 在晚期爱情诗歌中,叶芝创造了一个女性意象:狂野的女巫意象。

    In the late period , Yeats creates a women image : the wild witch image .

  11. 纵然死,也让我在爱中死去&普希金爱情诗歌对死亡的思考

    Pushkin 's Meditations on Death in His Poetry of Love Love , Passion and Being in Poetry

  12. 分为两部分:首先考察传统意象对爱情诗歌史的重大影响;

    One is the traditional images with ample effect on the description of love in love sonnets ;

  13. 但真正意义上的爱情诗歌创作的高潮则是中晚唐时期。

    However , " authentic " love poetry creation literally existed in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty .

  14. 盟誓与失恋的经典对白&中英传统爱情诗歌的形象问题

    A Classic Dialogue with Love & Talk about the Image Problem of Chinese and English Traditional Love Poetry

  15. 中国爱情诗歌反映悼亡的数量多而英国这一内容诗作所占比例很小。

    Regatding the proportion of the elegies to the entire poetry , the Chinese elegies are much more than the English ones .

  16. 研究发现英汉爱情诗歌中隐喻普遍存在,而且同一爱情概念有许多相同的隐喻表达。

    It has found that metaphors are pervasive in poems , and there are many similar love metaphors in both English and Chinese poems .

  17. 本文对李商隐爱情诗歌的朦胧美从意象、词语、章法上进行了阐释和分析。

    In this paper , the obscure prettiness of LI Shangyin 's love poems is analyzed from imagery , morphology , syntax and organization .

  18. 在中期爱情诗歌中,叶芝采用了神话中的天鹅意象,既象征永恒的爱情和美,又指代他的爱人。

    In his middle period , Yeats uses the swan image to symbolize the immortal love and beauty , and associates the swan with his beloved .

  19. 这些爱情诗歌以精炼的语言、独特的意象和强烈的感情吸引了无数中外的读者。

    These Love Poems is characterized by its terseness in language , unique image and strong feelings , which attracts numerous readers from at home and abroad .

  20. 在叶芝的早期和中期爱情诗歌中,叶芝描绘了两种不同的女性:温顺而不在场的女性和强大而不可得的女性。

    In the early and middle periods , Yeats has already depicted two types of women : one is timid and absent , the other is powerful and unattainable .

  21. 爱情诗歌是什么?它一定是一段浪漫的爱情故事吗?或者是浪漫的婚姻或者承诺吗?也或者,一首爱情诗歌完全是另外一回事。

    What is a love poem ? Is it necessarily a poem about romantic love ? About romance ? Or marriage and commitment ? Or is a love poem something else entirely ?

  22. 在唐代之前,《诗经》、楚辞时期,魏晋南北朝时期,爱情诗歌的创作甚至两度繁荣。

    Two climax of love poetry creation appeared before Tang Dynasty , during two periods Shi Jing and Chu Ci period and the period of Wei Jing Dynasties and South and North Dynasties .

  23. 这些爱情诗歌以丰富的哲学内涵、独特的意象和深沉而平实的感情,彰显了诗人早期爱情诗歌静敛的艺术特色。

    These love poetry appear the " tranquil and restrained " artistic feature in the early time of the poet 's love poetry with rich philosophical connotation , unique image and deep sentiment .

  24. 李商隐在青年时期就与佛教结下了不解之缘,他的爱情诗歌中自然渗透着佛教的自由观、平等观等,传达出了对女性的人文关怀。

    Li Shangyin , in the period of youth , had a good relationship with Buddhism , Buddhist freedom and equality were reflected in his love poems naturally and conveyed the humane care for women .

  25. 那么相应地通过对这两种理论的应用我得出结论:在克里斯蒂娜爱情诗歌中所蕴藏的关于女性问题的两个层次的根源和解决方法:一是无意识层面的,二是社会层面的。

    Accordingly I will arrive at two levels of roots and solutions of woman problems that are indicated within the Love poetry of Christina : the unconscious ones and the social ones , by applying each of the above theory .

  26. 本论文以认知语言学的框架理论为理论基础,通过对四首唐代爱情诗歌英译本的对比分析,试图探讨框架理论对中国古典诗歌英译的解释力。

    Based on the frame theory , the thesis attempts to analyze the four English translation versions of love poems in Tang Dynasty , trying to explore the frame theory has some explanatory power for the translation of Classical Chinese Poetry .

  27. 语文教育应充分利用这一珍贵的文学资源,结合爱情诗歌的特点,培养学生的审美观念和能力,然后在此基础上使学生形成正确的价值观并应用于实际。

    The language education should fully use this precious literature resources , the union love poetry characteristic , raises student 's esthetic idea and the ability , then causes the student in this foundation to form the correct values and to apply in is actual .

  28. 正如我所提到的那样我将主要运用女性主义批评理论分析克里斯蒂娜的爱情诗歌,这一理论具有跨学科的性质,它不光涉及到性别的研究,还涉及到人类学,生态学,心理学等其它领域。

    As I mentioned feminist approach will be the main theory I will use to analyze the poetry of Christina . It is a multi-disciplinary criticism which involves the study of sociology , ecology , psychology as well as the gender studies and many others realms .

  29. 试论苗族爱情叙事诗歌的悲剧性

    On the Tragedy of the Miaos ' Love Epic Poetry

  30. 爱情在诗歌中被比作花朵。

    Love was poetically compared to flower .