
  • 网络Education of Love;Love Education;Heart;cuore
  1. 其次,家长要确立合理的爱的教育目的。

    Second , parents must establish reasonable purposes for love education .

  2. 爱的教育是裴斯泰洛齐道德教育的本质核心。

    Love education is essence of Pestalozzi education in ethics .

  3. 爱的教育是进行儿童教育的基础。

    Education of love is the basis of education for children .

  4. 浅析羌族丧葬礼俗中蕴含的爱的教育及启示

    Love Education in the Qiang Nationality 's Funeral Customs and Its Inspirations

  5. 首先,家长要树立正确爱的教育观念。

    First of all , parents should foster a concept of love education .

  6. 爱的教育思想下的师生管理

    Management of Teachers and Students Based on the Thought of the Education of Love

  7. 高等院校软环境建设中不可或缺的元素&浅析大学生的爱的教育

    Education of Love : Indispensable Element in Soft Environment Construction in Institutions of Higher Learning

  8. 爱的教育应蕴涵于全部教育始终;

    Education is the cause of love .

  9. 入选语文教材的外国语文与民族共同语的规范意识&关于《语文》(七年级·上册)《爱的教育》译文的严重缺憾

    The Foreign Language Selected for Teaching Material Language and the Norm Consciousness for the Common Language of Chinese

  10. 这对当前实践爱的教育具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    To current practice of the education of love , it has more theoretical value and realistic meaning .

  11. 当代的艺术教育,必须始终以受教者的美感成长和爱的教育为根本内容。

    Contemporary art education must always aim at the cultivation of aesthetic feelings and the education of love .

  12. 重新构建爱的教育要求家长从观念、目的、方式上应有质的改变。

    Parents should have a qualitative change from the concept , purpose , and the way to build love education again .

  13. 赏识教育是一种尊重生命规律的教育,是爱的教育,是充满人情味、富有生命力的教育。

    Appreciation education is the education with respect for life , which is full of love , vitality and humane consideration .

  14. 爱的教育即是要给予孩子真正的爱,让孩子在爱的体验中成长,并教会孩子什么是爱,如何去爱。

    The love education is to give the children a real love and teach children what is love , how to love .

  15. 今天闲来无事,翻起以前的书,将《爱的教育》又重看了一遍,感触颇深。

    Today , endanger the previous books , will be " Love of education " and re-read it again , deep feelings .

  16. 论艺术教育中的美感成长与爱的教育在中等护理教育中美感培养的探索

    On the Cultivation of Aesthetic Feelings and the Education of Love in Art Education Discussion on the Cultivation of Aesthetic Feelings in Secondary Education of Nursing

  17. 较《爱的教育》的感伤而言,《续爱的教育》给我更多的兴趣,两本书都是教育的精品。

    Than the " love of education " sentimental ," the continued education of love " Give me more interested in two books are products of education .

  18. 以培养国际化人才为目标的北京中山学院,十分注重国际教养、信与爱的教育。

    With the aim of nurturing a global awareness in the students , Beijing ZhongShan University pays much attention to the nurturing of international morality , honesty and love .

  19. 这几种类型爱的教育引起了诸如忽视孩子作为独立生命个体的爱的需要、以个人经验取代理性教育、以单纯说教代替爱的体验等一系列的教育问题。

    And it caused a series of questions such as neglect the needs of the child who as an independent , personal experience instead of rational education , simply preaching instead of the experience of love .

  20. 第四部分,介绍感恩教育的原则和意义,指出了感恩教育是一种生命教育、是一种情感道德教育、是一种基于理性的爱的教育。

    The fourth part , introduces the principle and significance of Thanksgiving education , points out the Thanksgiving education is a kind of life education , is an emotional education , is a kind of moral education based on rational love .

  21. 爱的教育的研究谱系源远流长,人类教育的历史有多长,爱的教育就有多长,因为只要有教育,就会有爱,就会有爱的教育。

    Educational research about love pedigree has a long history , how long human history of education , love of education have long , as long as there is education , there will be love , there will be love of education .

  22. 生命道德教育是指回到生命之中、遵循生命之道、关爱生命、生命有爱的教育。假如你关爱生命,你将能到达那里

    Moral education for life refers to the education which is conducted back in life , follows what life should be , cares much about life itself and love in life . There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living

  23. 为了歌子,我床头多了意大利的名著《爱的教育》系列,每天晚上睡前故事,成了我与孩子拉折距离的最美桥梁,这是一段常常让人怀念的美好时光!

    For the song , I head more Italy classic " love of education " series , every evening at bedtime stories , I became with child pull and fold the distance of the most beautiful bridges , this is a good time to let people miss !

  24. 当然,爱科学的教育有其产生与存在的社会背景。

    Evidently , the education of loving science has its own social background .

  25. 高职院校学生爱的行为教育模式实施的思考

    On the Implementation of the Educational Mode of " Act of Love " to the Students of the Higher Vocational Institutes

  26. 但不仅如此,查尔斯·舒尔茨塑造的人物还反映了人们的生活,对人们进行了信念、希望与爱的永恒教育。

    But more than that , Charles Schulz 's characters mirrored people 's lives and taught them timeless lessons about faith , hope and love .

  27. 现代基础教育理念所倡导的是一种有爱的素质教育,强调的不仅仅是知识的传授,更是一种情感与经验相互交织的生命体验。

    The concept of modern basic education advocates the quality of education with love , emphasizes not only knowledge but also the emotional and life experience .

  28. 安纳托利亚猫咪工程是一个爱猫人的教育社区,他们发起了一项请愿,希望这个街区能够立雕像来纪念这只人气超高的猫咪。

    The Anatolian Cat Project - an educational community for cat lovers - launched a petition asking that the neighborhood have a statue erected to commemorate the popular feline .

  29. 特别是爱与精神的教育。

    Especially the education of love and spirit .

  30. 进行爱校的情感教育。

    How to love our school ?