
  • 网络The Art Of Love;the art of loving;L'art d'aimer
  1. 幻觉的艺术是爱的艺术,爱的艺术是世界的血红之心。

    The art of illusion is the art of love , and the art of love is the blood-red heart of the world .

  2. 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前1年)和变形记(公元8年)而闻名。

    Roman poet known for his explorations of love , especially the Art of Love ( c.1 b.c. ) and Metamorphoses ( c.a.d.8 ) .

  3. 在掌握了爱的艺术之前,我只算商场上的无名小卒。

    I will love the poor for they are so many . I will love the young for the faith they hold ;

  4. 强力能够劈开一块盾牌,甚至毁灭生命,但是只有爱才具有无与伦比的力量,使人们敞开心扉。在掌握了爱的艺术之前,我只算商场上的无名小卒。

    Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place .

  5. 勃朗特的长篇小说《简.爱》的艺术特点&现实主义风格与浪漫主义风格的完美结合,并阐述了现实主义只要做到与时俱进,不断和其他小说流派相结合,就会具有永恒的生命力。

    She combined realism with romanticism perfectly , and expounded that realism will possess eternal vitality as long as it keeps pace with the development of times and blends with other literature schools .

  6. 爱是理解的艺术。

    Love is an art of understanding .

  7. 在这种情况下,婚纱变成了将我对时尚的爱带动向前的艺术车轮。

    In this instance , bridal becomes the artistic vehicle to advance my love of fashion in general .

  8. 班级管理是一项复杂而艰巨的工作,是爱与智慧的艺术结晶。

    The class and grade management is one item complex and the arduous work , is loves with the wisdom artistic crystallization .

  9. 《永远》是一部彰显艺术生命力的电影,影片围绕着拉雪兹神父公墓展开,在这里人们能感受到死亡与爱的交融和艺术的不朽。

    FOREVER is a film about the power and vitality of art , about a place where love and death go hand in hand and beauty lives on : the P è re-Lachaise cemetery in Paris .

  10. 许多老师和家长缺乏爱的表达能力和爱的艺术,对儿童的爱经常发生偏差,有时甚至造成了严重的后果。

    Many teachers and parents are short of love expression ability and love art , which often produce warp , even the serious sequent .

  11. 爱情教育是一种对大学生进行关于爱的知识、爱的情感、爱的能力和艺术等的综合性教育,旨在让大学生在学习爱的知识、掌握幸福生活的智慧与能力中学会做人。

    Love education is a comprehensive education including the knowledge , emotion , ability and art of love , which means to direct college students to conduct themselves while enjoying love and learning the intelligence an ability of sweet life .