
ài chēng
  • pet name;term of endearment;diminutive
爱称 [ài chēng]
  • [diminutive; pet name] 表示亲昵、喜爱的称呼

  • 珍妮是珍的爱称

爱称[ài chēng]
  1. 关于专辑名,她解释道:家人们一直都称呼我BritneyJean,这像一种爱称,我只是想和我的粉丝们一同分享。

    She explained her choice on air , saying , It 's a personal album , and all my family , they always called me Britney Jean , adding , It 's like a term of endearment . I just wanted to share that with my fans .

  2. 汤姆是托马斯的爱称。

    Tom is the pet name of Thomas .

  3. 最受欢迎的宠物爱称TOP10

    The 10 most popular names for every pet 1 .

  4. 让我们正视现实吧——如果“正直的亚伯”(对林肯的爱称)当真想要平等,那以马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKing)命名的假日也许便不复存在了。

    Let 's face it - if Honest Abe really wanted equality , Martin Luther King probably wouldn 't have a holiday named after him .

  5. 因之,即赋予了“地球村”这一爱称。

    Therefor , namely given " global village " this nickname .

  6. 我会把对理想的爱称为对理想的热情。

    I mean love of ideals I would call passion for ideals .

  7. 本尼是对这只兔子的爱称。

    Benny is a pet name for the rabbit .

  8. 但伦尼(伦纳德的爱称)十岁时,发现了钢琴。

    But at 10 Lenny discovered the piano .

  9. 泰迪是她给他起的爱称。

    Teddy was her pet name for him .

  10. 刚开始你在喊“爱称”的时候,我第一个出来了。

    Just started you to shout " pet name " time , my first came out .

  11. 一项新研究指出,在英国,阿尔菲是最受欢迎的宠物爱称。

    Alfie is the most popular pet name in Britain , according to a new survey .

  12. 当然爱称为乏味,只能是适可而止。

    Calling something like love mundane , of course , is true only as far as it goes .

  13. 同年一月,他们的女儿来到世上,取名丽瑟尔(伊丽莎白的爱称)。

    Earlier that year , in January , the couple had a daughter named Lieserl ( diminutive for Elisabeth ) .

  14. 阿尔菲还是最受欢迎的狗狗爱称,而在最受欢迎的猫咪爱称中,查理排在第一位。

    Alfie is also the most popular dog name while Charlie topped the poll as the number one name among the cats .

  15. 我们不是很清楚“杰瑞”是不是“杰拉尔德”或是“杰罗姆”的爱称,因为从来就没人以他的名字称呼过他。

    It is not known if Jerry is similarly a diminutive of Gerald or Jerome , as no one calls him by his name .

  16. 这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并且不是夹杂着各种爱称和幼稚的语言。

    The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words .

  17. 他在信中称波斯特为他的瑞典“弗莉卡”(意即“女孩”),或者他的“小猩猩”(格尼拉的爱称)。

    He referred to her as his Swedish " flicka " ( or " girl " ) or his " Gorilla " -- a pet name for Gunilla .

  18. 一位女士正与朋友及其丈夫吃饭,这时她注意到朋友总用“亲爱的”、“宝贝”、“甜心”等爱称称呼她的丈夫。

    A woman was having dinner with a friend and her husband , when she noticed that her friend always called her husband loving names like Honey , Darling , Sweetheart etc.

  19. 她驱车一个半小时前来医院,想知道是否有医生能为她14岁的纯种黑卷毛狗尽份力。那狗叫卡桑德拉,爱称卡西。

    Bonnie had driven an hour and a half to see if the doctors at the hospital could do anything to help her fourteen-year-old black standard poodle , Cassandra , affectionately called Cassie .

  20. 伯尼看了看莫里斯,然后说道:“嘿,老兄,你们结婚这么久,现在还是这么浪漫有情调啊,仍然用爱称来称呼你的妻子哦。”

    Bernie looked at Morris and remarked ," That is really nice , that after all these years that you have been married , and you keep calling your wife those pet names . "

  21. 更是一家人了,即便小小的地球没有这个爱称“地球村”,游移在茫茫宇宙大海之中的小不点儿的地球上的人类难道不是不应该是一家人吗?

    More family , even little earth without the nickname " global village " in the boundless universe , wandering among the sea of tiny humans upon earth isn 't should not be a family ?

  22. 而作为野兽派球员代表的霍华德在力量以及运动能力方面也有着统治级的优势,这也就是为什么大家更爱称他为“超人”的原因。

    As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class , which is why we have better pet name him " Superman " reasons .

  23. 记住一点:不要写女孩的真名而是写她的爱称,把这个展现在她家门口或是公司吧。

    Remember one thing about not employing the girl 's actual name instead drawn on the name you call her with love . Demonstrate that poster in front of her home or her place of work 。

  24. 被国人爱称为国球的乒乓球运动作为一种喜闻乐见的健身项目,随着高校体育课程改革的深入进行,正在走进大学体育课堂。

    Table Tennis , known as the " national ball " in China , is the physical fitness item beloved by people , along with the ever - deeping reforms of the curriculum of Physical Education , it is stepping into the university .

  25. 研究人员弗兰克纽赛尔在对微软全国广播公司宣告这一发现时说:“通常名字的缩略形式会被用于亲密的场合,如昵称或爱称。”纽赛尔是路易斯维尔大学古代和现代语言学的教授。

    Study researcher Frank Nuessel , a professor of classical and modern languages at the University of Louisville , said of the findings to MSNBC : ' Typically hypocorisms , the shorter form of a given name , are used in intimate situations as a nickname or a term of endearment .

  26. 蒙泰隆戈说,档案中的40多本相册生动记录了加博(Gabo,拉美人对加西亚·马尔克斯的爱称)的私人生活,从他早年在哥伦比亚农村时起。相册中还有卡斯特罗的一些照片。

    The more than 40 photo albums in the collection contain some images of Mr. Castro , as well as a visual chronicle of the private Gabo , as Garc í a M á rquez was affectionately known throughout Latin America , beginning with his early life in rural Colombia , Mr. Montelongo said .

  27. 餐馆鼓励需要餐饮的人们可以在任何时间从冰箱取食,米奴宝玲,经营着帕帕达瓦达餐馆,她爱称其冰箱为“善心之树”;冰箱是3月23日放在路边树荫下的,紧挨着旁边的树。

    People who are in need of a meal are encouraged to take from the fridge at any time , for any reason . Minu Pauline , who runs Pappadavada , has nicknamed the fridge , which was placed there on March 23 and is shaded by a neighboring tree , " tree of goodness . "