
àn cáng
  • Hidden;conceal;hide
暗藏 [àn cáng]
  • [conceal;hide] 隐藏;放在看不见的地方

  • 暗藏枪支

暗藏[àn cáng]
  1. 冬日海边,暗藏汹涌,风流险礁,成了别样的景致。

    The winter days the seaside , hide dashing , romantic insurance , become an another beautiful scenery .

  2. 尽管你身边游动的鱼不会伤害你,但是在一些池塘和湖中可能暗藏着凹凸不平的岩石、破瓶子或者垃圾。

    Although the fish swimming around won 't hurt you , some ponds and lakes may hide jagged rocks , broken bottles , or trash .

  3. 他们的话被暗藏的麦克风传了出去。

    Their remarks were picked up by the hidden microphones .

  4. 几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

    Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound .

  5. 我所从事的职业中暗藏着如此深的种族主义偏见,这让我感到害怕。

    The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me .

  6. 每个角落都暗藏着疑虑和不安。

    Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty .

  7. 他越狱后,暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。

    After breaking out of the jail , he hid out in a deserted farmhouse .

  8. 我们必须警惕暗藏的敌人。

    We must be on guard against hidden enemies .

  9. 他们在寻找暗藏的财宝。

    They are searching for the hidden treasures .

  10. 暗藏在网络之中的是神秘的看不见的手&一种没有权威存在的控制。

    Hidden in the net is the mystery of the invisible hand & control without authority .

  11. •《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的戴维•波格:新款iPhone暗藏魔法。

    • the New York Times ' David Pogue : new iPhone conceals sheer magic .

  12. 图片:Closetotheedge.悬崖边她的悲剧对于其他游客来说是一个警示,提醒他们那些游客众多的旅游景点也可能暗藏危险。

    Her tragic story serves as a warning to other tourists about the dangers of popular tourist destinations .

  13. 更新的修改中还包括暗藏XPath注入,它降低了安置攻击所需的知识。

    Newer modifications include Blind XPath injection , which reduces the knowledge required to mount the attack .

  14. Amazon和Netflix等网络公司也暗藏杀机,它们破坏性强且拥有大量资金,通过因特网向观众提供低价或免费的电影和电视节目。

    Disruptive , deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk , whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money .

  15. 但一如横穿加拿大北部冰冷水域,世人期待已久的西北航道(NorthwestPassage)对于船舶,特别是那些缺乏没有使用防冰增强和加固船体的船舶来说,东北航道依然是一个暗藏杀机的凶险地带。

    But the Northeast passage , like the long-sought northwest passage across the icy waters north of Canada , remains a treacherous place for ships to operate , especially those lacking ice-hardened , reinforced hulls .

  16. “所有的人都低估了下坡跑,主要是因为它们暗藏杀机,”教练和运动生理学家,JackDaniels博士说。

    " Everyone underestimates downhills , generally because they don 't present much of a challenge to negotiate ," says coach and exercise physiologist Jack Daniels , Ph.D.

  17. 还嫌意义不够深远似的,“Mareep”还是“Mary”和“sheep”的混合词,所以这个名字里也暗藏一首儿歌——《玛丽有只小绵羊》。

    As if that wasn 't enough layers , Mareep is also a portmanteau of " Mary " and " Sheep , " so the name is also an allusion towards the nursery rhyme , Mary had a Little Lamb .

  18. 在暗藏争斗的皇室中,LEIF有项鍊的守护,都可以化险为夷。

    In the royalty that was hidden with conflicts and struggles , LEIF could always avoid risks with the protection of the necklace .

  19. 领头人凯里·福永(执导《无名》)坐镇导演一职,朱迪·丹奇(出演《窗外有蓝天》、《莎翁情史》)饰演费尔法克斯太太,迈克尔·法斯宾德(出演《无耻混蛋》和即将上映的《X战警:初级》)则饰演暗藏秘密的爱德华·罗切斯特先生。

    At the helm Cary Fukunaga ( Sin Nombre ) sits in the director 's chair , Judi Dench ( A Room with a View , Shakespeare in Love ) as Mrs. Fairfax , and Michael Fassbender ( Inglorious Bastards and the upcoming X-Men : First Class ) as the Lord Edward Rochester .

  20. 提出WT公司引入税收筹划的必要性和紧迫性,说明企业持续生产经营活动中增加的纳税成本和暗藏的涉税风险,在此基础上,阐明WT公司进行税收筹划问题研究的必要性。

    Put WT into tax management necessity and pressing sex , explain the business activities of enterprises to increase the tax cost and hidden tax risk , based on the elucidation of WT company tax planning , the necessity of studying the problem .

  21. 官方称为公/私投资计划的盖特纳-萨默斯(geithner-summers)计划,通过以远高于市价的价格从商业银行手中购买问题资产,暗藏着把多达数千亿美元的纳税人资金向这些银行转移的企图。

    The geithner-summers plan , officially called the public / private investment programme , is a thinly veiled attempt to transfer up to hundreds of billions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to the commercial banks , by buying toxic assets from the banks at far above their market value .

  22. 你能在一次透过媒体的谈话中发现暗藏其中的模式吗?

    How can you see the rhythms in a mediated conversation ?

  23. 然而,这种景象至少暗藏着两种风险。

    Yet there are at least two risks to this scenario .

  24. 在那个晚上,每棵树后面似乎都暗藏着危险。

    That night , danger seemed to lurk behind every tree .

  25. 他的话中暗藏讥讽,为人幽默,对各种想法都持有非常开放的态度。

    He is ironic , humorous , very open to ideas .

  26. 他们的一举一动都被暗藏的照相机记录了下来。

    Their every action and expression was recorded by concealed cameras .

  27. 但偶尔有些事还是会碰巧激起克拉莉莎暗藏在心中的失落感。

    But occasionally something happened to stir the old sense of loss .

  28. 但在表面的风生水起之下暗藏着谨慎情绪。

    But , just below the surface , lurks caution .

  29. 他们不用弄懂每句话里暗藏的请求。

    They don 't have to interpret every sentence for subtle requests .

  30. 但是,谷歌此次下注的投资回报率也暗藏风险。

    There is also a risky cost-versus-return bet that Google is taking .