
qián zhì cí
  • preposition
前置词 [qián zhì cí]
  • [preposition] 即介词

前置词[qián zhì cí]
  1. 苗语中存在差比句补语,造成这种区别的原因是苗语的SVO型和前置词型特征比汉语典型。

    There is comparative complement in Miao language because in Miao language , the structure of SVO and preposition are much more typical than that in Chinese .

  2. 现代俄语中带前置词до的名词向副词的转化

    The transformation of the preposition " до" from Noun to Adverb in Modern Russian

  3. 可以说“Giveamuffintoamouse”,前置词与格,

    You can say , " Give a muffin to a mouse , " the prepositional dative .

  4. 前置词多有后置词用法,这与它们来自动词、而当时还有句法性OV语序有关。

    Pre-Qin prepositions often have postpositional usage , due to their verb origin and the existence of syntactic OV order .

  5. 商务英语中时间前置词的使用与翻译

    The Usage and Translation of the Prepositions in Commercial English

  6. 汉语是前置词和后置词都有的语言,前置词和后置词组合构成一个固定的短语是汉语的一个特点,特别是介词和方位短语组合构成的介词短语。

    Chinese has both prepositions and postpositions that combine to fixed phrases .

  7. 英语尾置前置词教学引起的思考

    On the Teaching of English End-positioned Prepositions Reflections on prepositions of expressing causes

  8. 前置词支配宾格(的名词或代词)。

    A preponderate governs ( a noun or pronoun in ) the objective case .

  9. 中国学生通常把(语的)词认为是前置词。

    Chinese students often confuse adverbs with prepositions .

  10. 前置词的机用语义词典描述可为俄语文本语义分析提供必要的计算资源。

    The formalization of prepositional meaning can offer necessary calculation resources for the automatic Russian text analysis .

  11. 冬天,北方的天气比南方冷得多。(省略表示地点的前置词)

    In winter , it is much colder in the North than it is in the South .

  12. 但是在词汇层,客体是“因”,主体是“果”,表示使动关系的谓词则词汇化为相应的前置词。

    But on lexical aspect object is cause , subject is effect , cause predicate changes into preposition .

  13. 方法'{0}'的前置词必须是参考,而不是'{1}'

    The prefix of method ' { 0 } ' must be a reference , not ' { 1 } '

  14. 一个避免前置词结尾的简单方式,是使用合适的称谓来结束一个句子。

    An easy way to avoid a prepositional ending is to end the sentence with a proper form of address .

  15. 张先生的译法真是“道地到廿四分”的直译,每个前置词,他都译了过来,然而他这篇译文是没人看得懂的。

    Zhang 's translation is an " one hundred percent " literary translation , omitting not even a single preposition . however , no one could understand this translation .

  16. 试论英语多义词与同形异义词的识别和名词或代词名词短语结合形成前置词短语同其他单词有形容词或副词的关系。

    A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word .

  17. 通过实例从四个方面分析和探讨了商务英语中时间前置词的使用与翻译及相关的注意事项。

    The paper has discussed the usage and translation of time prepositions in commercial English as well as some relevant matters in translating practice from four aspects by analyzing concrete examples .

  18. 简单句子中最为常见的表达时间关系的方式是具有时间状语意义的带或不带前置词的静词性组合与动词构成的结构。

    The most common way of showing time relationship is through the use of the construction of verb and static word group with or without prepositions , which functions as adverbial of time .

  19. 词汇单位辖域的重点研究领域是:语气词、前置词、连词、副词等具有消极配价结构的词汇单位。

    Its main study areas are lexemic units with negative valency structure , such as modal particles , prepositions , conjunctions , adverbs , and etc. The scope (сфера деиствия) is derived from a logic term .