
  • 网络WindTalker;Wind Talker;Windspeaker
  1. 被风语者代代相�

    passed down by wind talkers and the like .

  2. 泰兰德•风语者:伊利丹曾经是一位伟大的英雄。我相信他能再次成为一位英雄。

    Tyrande Whisperwind : Illidan was considered a great hero once . I believe he will become one again .

  3. 泰兰德•风语者:我们的资源很快就要空虚了!必须寻找其他金矿,然后集合我们的部队!那样我们才能有实力到达巴伦巢穴。

    Tyrande Whisperwind : Our resources are depleting fast ! We must find another gold mine and muster our forces ! Only then will we be able to reach the Barrow Dens .

  4. 可以说当时的温州人就像美国大片中的风语者一样。电影《风语者》讲述的是二战期间美国士兵利用纳瓦霍语传递情报,以防日本人监听的故事。

    The author likens Wenzhou people to characters in Hollywood movie ' Windtalkers , ' which featured U.S. soldiers who used the Navajo language as a code to prevent the Japanese from listening in during World War II .