
  • 网络Jerky;prosciutto
  1. 在风干肉的传统加工工艺基础上进行了改进,对风干驼肉成品及贮藏过程中的理化、微生物指标进行了检测。

    The processing technology of dried camel meat is obtained on the basis of the improvement of the traditional dried meat processing technology . Physicochemical index and microbiological index of the dried meat were detected during storage .

  2. 其主要原料,磨碎的干酪和风干猪脸肉(guanciale)(经过腌制但无烟熏的猪脸肉),在早年的酱料中也有使用。

    its key ingredients , grated pecorino and guanciale ( pork jowl that has been cured , though not smoked ) also go into the traditional sauce .

  3. 一名身穿白色工作服的店员,包了半磅风干猪脸肉——足够三人食用——然后从一只用来为店内奶酪(总共有400个品种)保鲜的大玻璃罩下挑了一块羊乳干酪。

    A counterman in a white smock wrapped up a half-pound of guanciale , enough for three people , and selected a piece of pecorino from beneath a huge glass bell that can be lowered to keep some of the shop 's 400 kinds of cheese fresh .