
  • 网络carbonaceous mudstone
  1. 厚层炭质泥岩顶板煤巷复合主动支护系统研究

    Study on Complex Active Support System of Seam Gateway with Thick Carbonaceous Mudstone Roof

  2. 利用测井曲线判别分析煤与炭质泥岩

    The utilization of the logging curves for discriminant analysis of coal and carbonaceous mudstone

  3. 其中:DS1,DS2,DS3层序中高位体系域的炭质泥岩、页岩及煤层是良好的烃源岩;

    Coal bed and mudstone in highstand system tract of DS 1 , DS 2 and DS 3 sequences are good hydrocarbon source rocks .

  4. 煤系地层中炭质泥岩滑带土的初步研究

    Study on Slip Band of Carbon Mudstone Landslide in Coal Measure Strata

  5. 寨任路炭质泥岩边坡稳定性研究及防治措施

    The Study and Preventative Measures for the Stability of Carbon Mudstone Slopes on Zhai-Ren Highway

  6. 炭质泥岩是有生物活动的沉积岩,硅质岩是典型的热水沉积岩。

    Carbonaceous shale is a sedimentary rock with biological activities , cherts is a typical hot water sedimentary rocks .

  7. 大量区域地质调查及有机地球化学分析表明,石炭系烃源岩主要以暗色泥岩和碳酸盐岩为主,炭质泥岩和煤可能具有生烃能力。

    Regional geological survey and organic geochemical analysis indicate that Carboniferous hydrocarbon source rocks consists predominantly of dark-colored mudstone and carbonate rocks , and coals and carbonaceous mudstone probably have hydrocarbon-generating capacity .

  8. 陆表海泥炭沼泽和三角洲平原漫滩沼泽环境中形成的煤层和炭质泥岩是上古生界主要的气源岩;

    The coalbeds and carbargillites formed in the environments of epicontinental peat bog and delta-plain overbank bog were the main gas source rocks in Upper Paleozoic ;