
  • 网络CIP;CIL;carbon-in-pulp process;CIP process
  1. 本文主要论述了贵州省丹寨汞矿炼汞后的含金烧渣采用全泥氰化&炭浆法回收黄金的试验研究。

    This paper dominantly made a description on the experimental study of gold extraction from gold-bearing roasted ores after mercury-smelting by all-sliming cyanidation CIP process .

  2. 若采用炭浆法用氨-氰混合液进行浸出,浸出率可进一步提高到93%以上。

    If carbon-in-pulp method was used with ammonia-cyanide mixed solution , the leaching rate could further improved to over 93 % .

  3. 采用液膜法代替传统的炭浆法从氰化浸出矿浆中提取黄金的新技术,有望降低提金成本,简化工艺流程,提高黄金回收率,并在实现提金的同时回收氰化钠。

    It is feasible that extracting gold by using the new technique of liquid membrane to replaces the traditional carbon in pulp process . It will decrease cost , simplify working process flow , increase recovery of gold and retrieve cyanide .

  4. 本文以辽宁五龙金矿的生产工艺流程为例,深入分析了含金贫硫化矿选冶流程的发展与变革,提出采用直接电积提金工艺取代炭浆法工艺处理含金贫硫化矿的新设想。

    Taking the process flow employed in Wu-Lond Gold Mine for example , this article made a deep analysis of the development and change of the process flow to treat gold-bearing lean sulphide ore and put forward direct electrowinning method in stead of CIP process to treat such kind ores .