
  1. 介绍了HP型圆锥破碎机在包钢选矿厂、武钢程潮铁矿选矿厂和辽宁阜新排山楼金矿选矿厂碎矿改造中的应用情况。

    The application of HP cone crushers in Bao Steels concentrator , Chengchao Iron Concentrator , Wu Steel and the transformation of crushing in Fuxin Paishanlou Cold Concentrator , Liaoning is described .

  2. 利用此构造叠加晕模型和地质-构造叠加晕标志成功地预测了排山楼金矿东西向矿体深部的盲矿体。

    Using the structural superimposed halo model and geological-structural superimposed halo signs , the east-west blind ore-bodies in Paishanlou deep deposit are successfully predicted .

  3. 大板金矿位于华北地台北缘,山海关&北镇隆起北段,空间上分布于排山楼金矿北东端。

    Daban gold deposits are located on the north edge of North China Platform , on the north section of SanhaiguanBeizhen Uplift , and to the northeast of Paishanlou gold deposits .

  4. 通过以上技术改造,排山楼金矿磨矿与分级系统处理原生矿石能力由技术改造前的1750t/d提高到1985t/d,技术改造效果非常显著。

    Through above technical reconstruction the operating capacities of the grinding and classification circuit were increased from 1 750t / d up to 1 985t / d. The benefits made by the reconstruction are very obvious .

  5. 对辽宁省阜新市排山楼金矿床及含金剪切带型金矿床的研究成果进行对比,重新理顺了有关含金剪切带、含金剪切带型金矿床的概念和判别标准。

    Based on an integrated study and comparison of the shear zone type of gold deposits both in China and abroad , the authors sum up the conception and criterions of auriferous shear zone and gold deposits of the type .

  6. 排山楼金矿选矿流程采用全泥氰化-炭浆工艺,其尾矿处理在我国率先使用大规模厢式板框压滤机,其压滤滤液全部循环使用。

    Mineral separation circuit adopted All-sliming cyanidation CIP technology in Pai Shan Lou gold mine , and box , plate and frame filter press was put to use in tailing treatment on the large scale in the first time , its filtrate can be recycling utilized .