
  • 网络Full mining method;broasting mining method
  1. 结合中段运输系统改造,设计了适合杨树金矿床开采条件的下盘双运输巷道系统以及“V”形工作面推进全面采矿法,解决了制约矿山生产能力的运输和采矿方法等问题。

    Combining with the midsection haulage system reformation , the " V " type working face overall mining method , which draws ore from the bottom of footwall circle haulage laneway , is proposed .

  2. 留矿全面采矿法变形方案分析与应用实践

    Analysis and application of deformation program of shrinkage breast method

  3. 留矿全面采矿法在庙岭金矿的应用实践

    The application of overall shrinkage stoping in Miaoling Gold Mine

  4. 我国应用留矿全面采矿法的现状

    Present Situation of Shrinkage-Full Mining Method Used in China

  5. 预控顶下向分层全面采矿法试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Beforehand Control - Roof Downward Slicing All - Round Mining

  6. 全面采矿法采场的矿柱回采

    Stope pillar recovery in overall mining method

  7. 通过多种采矿方法的技术经济分析,认为采用锚杆护顶的全面采矿法较为合理。

    Technological and economical analyses show that the breast stoping with roof bolting is more reasonable than others .

  8. 介绍了留矿全面采矿法在德保铜矿应用的情况,评述了该方法的矿块结构要素、采切工程布置及回采工艺等,并对该采矿方法存在的问题及改进途径进行探讨。

    The application of shrinkage and breast method in Debao Copper Mine is introduced , and the existing questions and improving ways of this method are discussed .

  9. 由于被开采矿体的倾角、厚度不同,空场采矿法分为留矿采矿法、房柱采矿法、全面采矿法、分段矿房法和阶段矿房法五种具体的采矿方法。

    Due to the different inclination and thickness of mined ore , stope mining method has been divided into five specific mining methods , which include shrinkage mining method , room and pillar mining method , comprehensive mining method , sub-stope method and stage stop method .

  10. 根据矿脉地质条件的不同,探讨了改进型的采矿方法,即房柱全面矿块空场采矿法和分段空场留矿法,并获满意效果。

    To exploit these veins , improved methods of pillar-and-room full-advanced open-stope mining and sublevel open stope & shrinkage mining have been tested with satisfactory results .