
  • 网络Full open position;WOT
  1. 将旋钮旋转到全开位置。

    Rotate knob to full open position .

  2. 全开位置上的直线式结构阀门通常比倾斜式结构的流通能力小20%。

    The flow capacity of the straight pattern valve in the full open position is typically 20 % lower than the oblique type .

  3. 与倾斜式结构相比,直线式结构截止阀在全开位置具有更高的压差(压力损失)。

    The full open position in straight pattern globe valves has higher differential pressure ( pressure losses ) than an oblique pattern valve .

  4. 手轮总装配置指示器窗口,黑色数字表示全开位置,红色数字表示旋转幅度的十分之一。

    The handwheel assembly incorporates an indicator window , with a Black numeral for full turns and a Red numeral for tenths of turns .

  5. 但是,在全开位置,阀瓣靠重力进行关闭运动的作用很小。

    However , the closing moment of disc by weight is very low in fully-opened position , so the valve tends to close late .

  6. 将旋钮旋转到全闭的位置,然后旋回到全开的位置,测试是否旋转灵活。

    Rotate knob to full-closed and back to full-open to test for free rotation .

  7. 辗转的荒凉:《呼兰河传》的回旋式结构将旋钮旋转到全闭的位置,然后旋回到全开的位置,测试是否旋转灵活。

    Repeated Desolation : the Circling Structure in The Story of Hulan River ; Rotate knob to full-closed and back to full-open to test for free rotation .

  8. 阀门的操作机构设在便于操作的地点,在全开、全关位置有限制越位的机构。

    The operating organization should be designed at operation convenience , and the full open and close switch should be limited by the offside organization .

  9. 两个开关可自动设置来指示全开和全闭位置。

    Two switches will automatically be set to indicate full open and full closed positions .