
  • 网络national chain
  1. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  2. 但上个星期我们得到一个全国连锁店的一份大定单。

    But last week we got some big orders from a national chain store .

  3. 建立全国连锁超市的VPN网络信息系统,实现全国门店销售数据的实时通讯,为加强预测及正确决策提供保障。

    BHG 's VPN information system for supermarket chain operation enables stores to exchange sales information instantly and provides a strong support to sales predicting and decision making .

  4. 选那种全国连锁的、过往安全记录好的。

    Choose a national hotel chain with a good safety record .

  5. 我们酒店是全国连锁的。

    We have chain hotels across the country .

  6. 而一年之后的现在,他已经有了三家店,并且计划将其发展为全国连锁。

    Now , a year later , he had three stores and visions of building a national chain .

  7. 在纽约,周一,工人们在时代广场的全国连锁商店和其他小商店钉上了木板。

    In New York , workers boards at national chain stores and other smaller shops in Times Square on Monday .

  8. 他写信给全国连锁性联营百货公司公会,替我找来不少有关这方面的辩论记录。

    He wrote to the National Chain Store Association and secured for me a copy of a debate on the subject .

  9. 我每年都为全国连锁便利店索克公司做大量的管理培训。

    I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation , a national chain of convenience stores .

  10. 少数全国连锁食品杂货店对当地小商贩的排挤,已经造成一种少数买家垄断,农产品都卖不了好价钱。

    The elimination of small local vendors by a handful of national chain groceries has created an oligopsony where farmers cannot receive fair prices for their yields .

  11. 如今在美国,由于经济衰退、技术变革以及来自大型全国连锁店的竞争,许多小企业在艰难挣扎中。

    Many small businesses in the United States are struggling these days because of the economic downturn , changes in technology , and competition from large national chains .

  12. 一些全国连锁餐厅特别指出,只有炸薯条可能会含有以下食用油中一种或几种:玉米油、菜籽油、豆油、棉籽油、葵花油和棕榈油。

    National chain restaurants typically reveal only that fries may contain one or more of the following oils : corn , canola , soybean , cottonseed , sunflower and palm .

  13. 一方面实行市场转移,开拓国内零售市场,实施“海宁中国皮革城”全国连锁品牌战略,实现皮革产业的纵深发展;

    While implemented market transfer , develop domestic retail market , implementation " Haining China leather , Tianyi " national chain brand strategy , implementation leather industry of depth development ;

  14. 融合了人无我有,人有我特的新型喜庆用品和特色礼仪庆典项目,形成以全国连锁为规模展示的全方位经营体系。

    With the advantage of " having what others don 't have and being better than what others have ", we formed a all round distribution system with national scale chains .

  15. 最厉害的是一家全国连锁餐馆,他们提供一种卡路里含量高达1420的“巨型超厚汉堡包”。这种汉堡包中含有107克脂肪、229毫克胆固醇以及2651毫克的盐。

    We haven 't even mentioned another chain 's 1420-calorie " Monster Thickburger " with its 107 grams of fat , 229 milligrams of cholesterol , and 2651 milligrams of sodium .

  16. 他们指出,出版行业的力量均衡在发生变化,零售不由独立书店决定,而是由大型科技企业、电子商务集团以及少数几家全国连锁书店决定。

    They cite the shifts in the balance of power in an industry where retailing is defined not by independent bookstores but by large technology and ecommerce groups and a few national Bookstore chains .

  17. 随着酒店行业的发展,新兴的经营管理模式的出现,即全国连锁酒店经营管理模式,原有的酒店管理系统已经越来越不能够适应新兴的经营管理模式。

    With the development of hotel , the new management mode comes , that is the national chain hotel management mode , the original hotel management system has become increasingly unable to adapt to the new management model .

  18. 兴盛时期的毛笔业显现出家族化的管理运作模式,较大规模的工场手工业的生产组织形式,产供销一条龙、全国连锁的营销模式。

    JinXian writing brush of prosperous period showed clan manage mode , large-scale handicraft industry production form . Production , supply , sale , had been a connected sequence , the sale mode of link shop all over the world .

  19. 本文主要叙述了H公司由一家区域性连锁公司急速扩张成为全国性连锁公司所应采取的竞争战略。

    Only in this way can the company better serve its customers . The thesis mainly analyzes the strategy that H Company adopted and should adopt when it grows from a regional company to a national one .

  20. 整合原因之二:公司有发展壮大、形成全国性连锁超市的空间。

    Reason No.2 : There 's scope for firms to scale up and form nationwide franchises .

  21. 目前,化学品和汽车零部件领域的监管障碍慢慢降下,而零售业几乎没有全国性连锁企业。

    While regulatory barriers are slowly coming down in sectors such as chemicals and automotive parts , retailing boasts few national chains .

  22. 2001年,全国百强连锁超市共实现销售收入1620亿元,预计2005年超市将超过百货业成为中国零售业第一主力。

    It is expected to be the main force of retail circle in China by 2005 , topping the business of department stores .

  23. 委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗在周五发表的声明中宣布,他的政府将接管全国电器连锁店达卡。

    In a speech Friday president Nicol á s Maduro announced his government was taking over Daka a nationwide chain of appliance stores .

  24. 美国的购物中心由许多像西尔斯和杰西潘尼这样的专卖店和全国性连锁店组成。

    A shopping mall in the States is composed of many individual specialty shops and nationwide chain stores , such as Sears and JC Penny .

  25. 我们搜罗了全国的连锁餐厅的菜单,并研究了流行的饮料,以找出多少你最喜爱的提神物有多少卡路里。

    We scoured the menus of national restaurant chains and researched popular drinks to find out how many calories are really in your favorite refreshers .

  26. 国美电器集团成立于1987年元月1日,是中国最大的以家电及消费电子产品零售为主的全国性连锁企业。

    Gome group was established on January 1,1987 , was the largest chain enterprise mainly on the retail of household appliance and consumer electronic production in China .

  27. 注册资本不少于300万元,从事全国性连锁经营的,注册资本不少于1000万元;

    Having no less than 3 million Yuan of registered capital , or no less than 10 million Yuan of registered capital in case of chained operation nationwide ;

  28. 公司旗下有“兴和畜牧器械超市经营管理公司及其全国各地连锁店”、“中国畜牧设备器械网”。

    Xinghe Farming Instruments Supermarket Management Company and its multiple shops in whole China are all under the management of RTL , also with China Farming Instruments Net as a branch .

  29. 去年9月,中国石化宣布,通过将其全国性连锁加油站的部分股份出售给外部投资者来筹措1070.94亿元人民币的资金。

    In September , the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation , known as Sinopec , announced plans to raise $ 17.4 billion by selling a stake in its nationwide chain of gas stations to outside investors .

  30. 这些遍布全国的快餐连锁店经营全美最畅销的食品&一汉堡包。

    They are nationwide food chains specializing in the most popular of all foods , the hamburger .