
  • 网络Whole Foods;Whole Food Market
  1. 全食超市通过提供纯粹的有机的食物来迎合那些重视健康和环保的消费者。

    Whole Foods appeals to health and environmentally conscious consumers by offering unadulterated , organic food .

  2. 不过专家表示,目前还不清楚消费者是否会对全食超市的手部扫描感兴趣。

    Nevertheless , experts say it 's unclear whether customers will be enthusiastic about scanning their hands at Whole Foods .

  3. 甚至在全食超市(WholeFoods),我都看到过花椒。

    I 've even seen them at Whole Foods .

  4. 要不是这样的话,那就怪以全食超市(wholefoods)为代表的提倡健康和本土化饮食的养生食品运动吧。

    If not that , then blame the Whole Foods-fueled movement toward healthy and local eating .

  5. 从全食超市(wholefoods)到沃尔玛(Wal-Mart),许多超市都在采购冻虾尾和熟龙虾爪等龙虾新品。

    Grocery stores from Whole Foods to Wal-Mart are stocking new lobster items such as frozen tails and cooked claws .

  6. 比如全食超市公司(WholeFoods)就向当地2000多家农场购买农产品等。

    Small companies have thrived as suppliers , for example , to whole foods , which , among other things , buys produce from more than 2,000 local farms .

  7. 我还用它在纽约支付了打车费,在全食超市(WholeFoods)结账,并向机场安检人员展示了我的登机牌。

    I also used the Watch to pay for New York cabs and groceries at Whole Foods , and to present my boarding pass to security agents at the airport .

  8. 该连锁店的价格对我影响不大(我更偏爱全食超市(wholefoods)),但据福尔曼估测,它们使美国中低收入群体每年获益共计约2500亿美元。

    The chain 's prices don 't much affect me ( I prefer Whole Foods ) but Furman reckoned that they benefited low - and middle-income Americans to the tune of around $ 250bn a year .

  9. 在最新款iPhone里输入信用卡信息之后,消费者就可以在零售商的有效支付终端前晃动手机来付款了,比如在全食超市(WholeFoods)和麦当劳餐厅(McDonald’s)。

    After entering their credit card information into the latest iPhones , customers can wave their phone in front of a properly equipped payment terminal at retailers like Whole Foods and McDonald 's.

  10. 目前,Vosges在包括全食超市(WholeFoods)在内的3000家商店销售;此外,主打低价优势的新品牌WildOphelia则在沃尔格林连锁店(Walgreens)等商店销售。

    Vosges is now sold in 3,000 stores , including whole foods ; a new lower-priced brand named wild Ophelia sells in places like Walgreens .

  11. 我们一直跟沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、塔吉特百货(Target)和全食超市(WholeFoods)等客户保持接触,试图了解他们对当今局势的看法和理解,最后得出了这样的结论。

    And that 's a result of all the customers we 're dealing with from Wal-Mart to Target to Whole Foods and just trying to get a sense of how they 're thinking and just understanding their environment .

  12. 自一年前加入Twitter以来,美国有机食品零售商全食超市(wholefoods)已累积了逾100万名追随者,主要是因为它对自己所说的非常有见识的客户群回应迅速。

    Whole Foods , the US organic grocer , has accrued more than 1m followers on Twitter since joining a year ago , not least because of quick responses to what it says is a very knowledgeable customer base .

  13. 她们的眼睛隐藏在硕大的太阳镜下,她们从座位上下来,打开后车厢,一个接一个去拿象征中产阶级上层生活图腾的那些袋子:Nordstrom的银色袋子,全食超市(WholeFoods)的普通袋子。

    Their eyes concealed by giant sunglasses , they hopped from their seats to their open trunks and , one by one , reached for the bags that are the totems of upper-middle-class life : silver ones from Nordstrom , plain ones from Whole Foods .

  14. 你是否还记得2014年末全食超市的杏仁召回事件?

    Do you remember the Whole Foods almond recall in late 2014 ?

  15. 全食超市没有立即置评。

    The retailer did not have an immediate comment .

  16. 全食超市目前拥有342家连锁店,并且提供许多客户定制服务。

    For a chain with 342 locations , whole foods ( WFM ) does a lot of customization .

  17. 与此同时,虽然全食超市也会搞促销和特售,但总体来说相比价格它更看重的是价值。

    And , while Whole Foods does run promotions and sales , its overall pitch is more about value than price .

  18. 在全食超市,所有的新鲜水果和蔬菜都处于它们最好的状态,没有一点瑕疵。

    At Whole Foods , all the fresh fruits and vegetables are at their peak stage of ripeness and without blemishes .

  19. 他说,如果能成功的话,这项技术还可以鼓励消费者在全食超市购物时多花点钱。

    If successful , the technology also could help encourage consumers to spend more when they visit Whole Foods , he said .

  20. 这也是亚马逊在2017年以近140亿美元收购全食超市后的第二大收购案。

    It is also Amazon 's second - largest acquisition after it bought grocer Whole Foods for nearly 14 billion US dollars in 2017 .

  21. 我想,可能会有那样的商店,比如全食超市,商品越环保.人们越愿意买。

    I think there are probably stores , Whole Foods for example , where the greener it is the more people are willing to pay .

  22. 这个演《悲惨世界》的明星在去全食超市时选择了一种舒适的造型,穿上一条袋状的土耳其长袍款裙子,特色在于它的印花图案。

    The Les Miserables star chose a comfy look for her trip to Whole Foods , pulling on a baggy kaftan style dress which featured a floral print .

  23. 对孩子来说,坐在二层俯瞰世间,会真切地明白各个城市多么的不同,尽管美国的全食超市与星巴克咖啡已经越过大西洋,在英国遍地开花。

    For a child , the rooftop view offered tangible evidence of just how different big cities still look , despite the cross-Atlantic proliferation of Whole Foods and Starbucks .

  24. 他表示,过去两年,该工会一直未能说服各家公司将继任计划付诸投票表决,而今它已获准在全食超市2010年的股东大会上对其提议进行投票。

    After failing to convince companies to put succession planning to a vote for two years , liuna had secured a vote for its proposal at the 2010 shareholder meeting of whole foods , he said .

  25. 如果你审视全食超市做生意的方式,你就会发现你可以利用其中的一些原理把你自己打造成被人事经理青睐的金牌求职者。

    If you examine Whole Foods 's way of doing business , you will see that you can utilize some of the same ideas to fashion yourself as the prized candidate that hiring managers will crave .

  26. 全食超市发言人说,公司去年购买冻虾尾的价格有所下降,于是超市零售价也进行了下调。该发言人拒绝透露具体的定价情况。

    Whole Foods Market Inc. paid less for its frozen lobster tails last year , then dropped its price to shoppers , says a spokeswoman for the store , who declined to give specific pricing details .

  27. 据《纽约邮报》报道,这家电商巨头的工程师正在默默测试可以辨识手部的扫描仪用来结账,打算几个月后在旗下的全食连锁超市推出。

    The e-tailing giant 's engineers are quietly testing scanners that can identify an individual human hand as a way to ring up a store purchase , with the goal of rolling them out at its Whole Foods supermarket chain in the coming months , The Post has learned .