
  • 网络Integrating marketing
  1. 推行整体营销和全员营销管理;

    Promote the marketing of the whole to manage with the whole member marketing ;

  2. 入世后中国企业营销观念的提升与全员营销管理

    The Enhance of Chinese Enterprises'Marketing Concept and All Employee Marketing Management after China 's Access to WTO

  3. 在这部分中,文章着重分析了包装印刷企业的市场营销、品牌决策、公共关系及全员营销等理论知识,这些为后文对纸包装印刷企业的市场营销策略分析打下基础。

    This part reviews the relative theories concerning marketing , brand strategy , public relations and whole-staff-marketing .

  4. 文章采用整体研究的思路,不仅在市场和对策方面进行研究,还从信息系统及保障系统(如完善客户满意管理系统、健全晋愉全员营销系统)的建设方面进行研究。

    Marketing tactics mixes are also constructed . From the whole view , the thesis studies the marketing countermeasures as well as the information and safeguard systems .

  5. 从竞争战略、关键客户战略、信息化建设战略、全员营销战略等方面阐述了医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理战略。

    In the aspects of competitive strategy , key customer strategy , information construction strategy , the authors explain the customer relationship management strategy in medical service marketing .

  6. 在激烈的市场竞争中,多数证券公司推行全员营销的业务拓展模式,证券营销人员成为证券公司做大做强的关键因素。

    Face fierce market competition , most securities companies carry out the integrated marketing to extend business , Securities marketing personnel become the key factor for securities company to be bigger and stronger .

  7. 据此建立的突破企业销售瓶颈的法则包括买断经营、实行全员营销、集中优势兵力开拓新市场、利益共享共十二项之多。

    Thus , principles to break through sales bottleneck include twelve aspects such as buy-out operation , all-staff-involved marketing , opening-up new market by concentrating overwhelming resources , and a sharing of interest .

  8. 本文试图运用营销管理学知识,从几个方面论述县级联通分公司全员营销模式的产生、优劣势以及如何更好的设计全员营销活动方案。

    The paper , applying the knowledge of marketing management , analyzes the generation of all-staff marketing mode of Unicom branch companies at county level , its advantages and disadvantages and the how to better the mode .

  9. 本文首先从市场营销的概念入手,阐述和引申出全员营销的概念,通过分析在当前重组形势下的电信宏观市场,分析当前激烈竞争条件下电信业的巨大发展机遇。

    The paper commences with the concept of marketing and derives the notion of all-staff marketing from it . Also , the paper reveals the huge development opportunities for the telecommunication industry by macro-analyzing it against a background of restructuring and fierce competition .

  10. 为保障市场营销策略的实施,本文从信息搜集与分析、全员营销、资源配置、管理水平、网络布局五个方面提出保障措施。

    According to different situation , this paper proposes the strategies . To guarantee the implementation of the marketing strategies , this paper proposals the safeguard measures from five aspects , such as information collection and analysis , overall marketing , resource allocation , management level and network layout .

  11. 浅谈酒店全员服务营销

    On the Whole Staff Service Marketing of Hotel

  12. 并从服务营销的一般理解、服务、全员服务营销体系的建立等3个方面的问题,展开了讨论和探索;

    The discussion is organized and explored regarding general understanding of service marketing , setting-up of service and whole member service marketing system .