- complete works;universal set;collected works;collected edition

[collected edition; collected works] 一个作者(有时是两个或几个关系密切的作者)、一个流派作者的全部著作集合编成的书(多用作书名)
Secondly , homogenous Markov chain is applied to modeling the nodal flow series , and the universal set of the nodal flow simulated series is gained .
The universal set seemed extremely natural and obvious , yet ultimately several paradoxes of set theory were traced to the assumption that it existed , which mathematicians now know is flawed .
Under his arm , there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare
I like this new edition of the Complete Works of Shakespeare .
Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival1 series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels .
Construction theory of trace_different [ P_n ] matrix set ;
A switched-capacitor filter which occured abroad these years is a kind of all-integrated active filter .
The CW may pick it up for a full series to launch in the fall of 2013 .
One fairly simple thing you are likely to do with linguistic corpora is analyze frequencies of various events within them , and make probability predictions based on these known frequencies .
But the design of FF instrument is a much difficult problem for its complexity .
Experiments show that the new technique has low false positive rate , low storage-cost , high computing efficiency and hence is applicable to real-time intrusion detection .
Design of a Fully Integrated 2.4 GHz CMOS Symmetrical T / R Switch
In this note we gave the definition of Cantor-type sets and proved that every nowhere dense perfect set is a Cantor-type set . Moreover we gave a new proof for each nonempty perfect set to have the power x.
We need full container of computer hardware like hard disk , RAM , CD ROM , motherboard , keyboard , mouse , speakers , LAN , WLAN , USB from Pakistan .
Please note that the list below is a simplification of the full SGML syntax rules and does not address , e.g. , precedences .
Suppose G is a finite group . Z is called a complete set of Sylow subgroups of G if for each prime p dividing the order of G , Z contains exactly one and only one Sylow p-subgroup of G.
But those of who hoped , with Kolb , that Kolb 's newly published complete edition of Proust 's correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed . The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves
NLTK corpora documents often come pre-tagged for parts of speech , but you can certainly add your own tags to untagged documents .
There is some way to determine for each source file the full set of diff output identifying the changes made since the coverage data for each test was collected .
A new fully integrated biquad structure is derived from the classical Tow-Thomas ( TT ) active RC prototype . And by using feed-forward technique , a fully integrated general biquad circuit is also realized .
One of the key design concepts behind Percolator was to provide random access to the repository to process documents individually , and thus avoiding the global processing required by MapReduce .
A fifth-order elliptic low-pass Gm-C filter used in monolithic DAB receiver is presented . The filter integrates an on-chip frequency automatic tuning circuit based on PLL to control the cutoff frequency .
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF PRIMO LEVI . Edited by Ann Goldstein . ( Liveright , three volumes , $ 100 . ) Twenty-eight years after Levi 's death , this collection of everything he published brings into focus the breadth and coherence of his genius .
While NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed ( often manually ) to various degrees , conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer .
Tokenization matters a lot for random text collections ; in fairness to NLTK , its bundled corpora have been packaged for easy and accurate tokenization with WSTokenizer () .
Because mining complete set of frequent patterns from dense database could be impractical , in this paper , the structure of a traditional FP-tree is improved and an algorithm ( called IFP-MAX ) for mining maximal frequent patterns based on improved FP-tree is proposed .
I need one volume to complete my set of Hardy .
Several Remarks about 1981 Edition of The Complete Works of LU Xun
A complete edition of her writings was published in1941 .
She found the complete works of William Shakespeare at his bed .