
  • 网络All England Club
  1. 正午:全英俱乐部在中午开始一天的比赛。

    Noon : Play begins at midday at the All England Club .

  2. 他成为了公开赛时代全英俱乐部最年长的冠军。

    He becomes the oldest man in the Open era to win at the All England Club .

  3. 他承认,全英俱乐部对这位在约克郡(Yorkshire)出生并长大的前电视台高管来说是一份极好的工作。

    The All England Club had been a fantastic job for this Yorkshire-born and bred former television executive , he admits .

  4. 他承认,全英俱乐部对这位在约克郡(Yorkshire)出生并长大的前电视台高管来说是一份“极好的”工作。

    The All England Club had been a " fantastic " job for this Yorkshire-born and bred former television executive , he admits .

  5. 根据协议,凯特王妃以后需要定期出现在全英俱乐部,观看温网的比赛。

    By contrast , the Duchess of Cambridge has been regularly seen in recent years at The Championships .

  6. 赛后,历年冠军中的最伟大者在全英俱乐部合影留念。

    Afterward , the greatest of the past champions gathered for a photo opportunity in the All England Club .

  7. 对于全英俱乐部的球迷来说,幸运的是,金女士证明了她在反手切球方面可比在预言方面做得好。

    Luckily for fans at the All England club , Ms King proved better at slicing backhands than at prophesy .

  8. 英国温布尔登——在温布尔登打完职业生涯最后一场比赛四年后,李娜回到了全英俱乐部。

    WIMBLEDON , England - Four years after playing the last match of her career at Wimbledon , Li Na has returned to the All England Club .

  9. 在你一直保持良好身体状态的情况下,你认为有没有可能改写前辈博格和桑普拉斯在全英俱乐部创下的辉煌纪录呢?

    Do you feel now if you stay fit and healthy that you can eclipse the records of Borg and Sampras here at the All England Club ?

  10. 那时候英国女王伊丽莎白才只有10岁,上次一位英国人赢得了全英俱乐部的男子冠军。

    Queen Elizabeth was just 10 years old at the time , that the last time a Brit won the men 's title there , the All England Club .

  11. 所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位专业驯鹰者的帮助,他训练出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成为一个十分有效的威慑。

    So the all England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time Falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey , named finnegan , acting as a highly effective deterrent .

  12. 全英俱乐部常务理事阿德里安贝温顿补充道:全面备战世界杯的重要事宜之一就是队服,这次也毫不例外。

    Club England Managing Director Adrian Bevington added : ' With qualification secured to the World Cup , one of the most exciting parts of planning for the tournament is always the team suit and this has been no exception .

  13. 这位马约卡人(纳达尔)赢得了自己在全英网球俱乐部的第一顶桂冠,并阻碍了费德勒争夺“五连冠”的进程。

    The Mallorcan won his first crown of the All England Club and halted Federer 's run to five consecutive titles in the process .

  14. 随后,在拥挤的人群面前接受全英网球俱乐部为纪念该赛事赠送的礼物时竭力控制着泪水。

    Afterwards in front of the packed crowd , both players fought back tears as they accepted a gift to mark the occasion from the All England Club .

  15. “我们通常根据市场和自己的判断来做决定,这个决定是公平的。”全英网球俱乐部主席提姆·菲利普斯对记者说。

    " Our decisions are always made on market forces and , in our judgement , this is a fair decision to make ," All England Club chairman Tim Phillips told reporters .

  16. 对此,全英网球俱乐部今年想出新的对策,他们为年轻选手提供的不再是老选手那种色彩鲜亮的毛巾,而是普通的白毛巾,以防止他们跟风效仿,赛后顺走毛巾。

    However , this year the All England Club has come up with a new ploy to put off younger players from joining the craze - by offering them plain white towels , instead of the senior players ' brightly-coloured versions .